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Posts posted by LadyKrink

  1. why i just sat and read that whole story is a wonder to me. but that honestly was very amusing and i couldnt stop laughing at the mental picture i had in my head of you in that stall is sitting on a toilet covered in your own shit while you puke all over yourself and stare at the wall which also had your shit all over it and laughing.


    well they say you learn something new everyday, and what did i learn today that before guys take a shit they start with "the move"

    very entertaining story.


    i wonder what brittney spears looks like when she is taking a shit? have any of you ever wondered or laughed at the thought of brittney spears (or whatever other girl does it for you) sitting on the john busting ass and pushing until her face is bright red while taking a shit? haha well i know i have thought about it, it makes me laugh.

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