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  1. SALEM

    Yard Safety

    for fugazi... that white powdery shit cummin out was lime, i heard they dump that, and on passenger cars, they empty the toilets off the side, and it splashes onto that powder shit. I don't know what a tankers doin wit that, but dont pick it up!! before i was in2 graff, i picked that up walkin home from school, nuthin happened, but they say it can fuck up yo skin if it gets contact with it.
  2. SALEM

    Yard Safety

    scary shit i remember the first time i went to a yard, i never noticed that they were humpin trains and all that scary stuff. I didn't have no paint on me, i was just scopin out tha place, so i was walkin between 2 lines and the one on my right just got humped, i didn't hear shit, there was no warning, nuthin. Needless to say, i was on the ground screamin cuz that jus scared the bejesus outta me. But this post helped me a lot, learnin new stuff, keep it up, peace
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