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Everything posted by sarifs&clips

  1. Make him more buff.....and why is he burning the yard?? you should know bombing walls around layups is a no no..:lol:
  2. I was messing around last night... here's what I came up with.. http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-05-22%2017.20.55%20-0700/wingcanvas.jpg'>
  3. another boring graffiti canvas with letters on it.. here...It's not as exiting as little kids arguing about spelling and English grammmer, but deal with it. http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-05-22%2017.20.55%20-0700/zoneredcanvas.jpg'>
  4. ... Maybe the work wasnt meant to amuse you. If you are'nt impressed by well executed wildstyle pieces/letters, then perhaps you should look to another artform that could possibly exite you..
  5. stuff.. I see some of your points but dont necessarily agree with all. Letters are all that I do..I have no interest in any other type of "art" in fact I view graff as more af a learned "skill" than an art. Canvas is not all that important to me, just something to pass the time when chilling with friends and drinking a cold one. It also gets rid of the dozens of leftover cans from doing real pieces. Nothing serious like doing a wall or a train...If someone likes one and happens to buy it, thats an added bonus and the money will be put to good use supporting my graffiti habit (i.e. buying euro paint). Some of you seem to view Canvas as some sacred surface that is too good for Letters/pieces. To me its nothing more than another blackbook page to play around and experiment with..I think some of you are trying to analyze this shit way too much chill and enjoy the flicks...post something..
  6. Interesting.. The way I see it.. I hate seeing good writers get on canvas and then all of a sudden they think they are some type of "modern artist" When I look at Graffiti I want to see dope letters. In my opinion graff is strong enough to stand on its own on any surface. If I wanted to look at so called Modern art I'd buy a piece from a modern artist not a graff writer. Not to say that some writers dont have the talent to cross over (joker is an obvious exception). But for the commmon writer who enjoys seeing good structured wildstyle pieces I wish more traditional graff was available on canvas.
  7. . http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-05-21%2014.34.41%20-0700/Image-7AC3C5DBAB6E11D8.jpg'>
  8. . http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3d702b3127cce8ea64d9b10100000001610'>
  9. . http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-05-22%2017.20.55%20-0700/Image-CC7FAF83AC4E11D8.jpg'>
  10. . Thanks, I'll take that under advisement.
  11. yes I paint more walls than canvas which i just use to keep me occupied when not out painting for real.. http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-04-10%2018.48.29%20-0700/Image-113BE94A8B5A11D8.jpg'>
  12. one.. http://wildstyletechnicians.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/exit_stage_left_canvas.jpg'>
  13. Izzy WST Here's a rare canvas from Izzy WST.. http://wildstyletechnicians.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/ize_11point5X16_canvas_boar.jpg'> Available Here<--
  14. .... http://wildstyletechnicians.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/zone_spill_canvas_large.jpg'>
  15. Yea, get at me..or look here...but I'm open to make deals. WST Gallery
  16. .. http://wildstyletechnicians.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/z3_canva.jpg'>
  17. ... For me this is about as artsy as its ever gonna get..hahaha http://wildstyletechnicians.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/Z2_large.jpg'>
  18. .. colabo with styl TFL.. http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-04-24%2015.57.21%20-0700/Image-AB2DB6B8964211D8.jpg'>
  19. ... lil something I did over the wekend.. http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-04-24%2015.57.21%20-0700/Image-AB2D9542964211D8.jpg'>
  20. Re: Re: Re: oooh...look what hecz got in the mail today.. and is now hangin in his ro LoL. I didnt know a writers success was based on weather or not they have a successful thread on an internet message board. Let this die already and the spelling in ebonics thing is gay by the way....
  21. . http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-03-23%2018.26.02%20-0800/Image-9272F70B7D3A11D8.jpg'> onEBAY
  22. Re: bored.... Dope..nice sticker under the canvas;)
  23. Markers on top of a sraypaint background...size:14x11
  24. . http://homepage.mac.com/zone1wst/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/2004-03-08%2023.06.19%20-0800/Image-3ACE9D00719811D8.jpg'> a small joint I did tonight on ebay if you want peep...zone canvas
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