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Posts posted by jah

  1. hahaha. word 455. ive been gettin no sleep lately. im turning into a machine. averaging like 5 hours a night. yeah, i dont think pistol or glass is to fond of me though. its cool though. i did start some shit back in the day. i kinda snapped on pistol one time for saying somethin though too. i forget what it was but i was cranky as fuck from not enough sleep.


    peace to all the night owls....

  2. Originally posted by willy.wonka

    i think of every situation before a fight..i see a punch comin before a fight even breaks out..i go by my escrima warrioir skill to know what to do when that punch is thrown...


    then when he throws it..i get knocked on my ass and begin to cry.



    hahaha. i havent been in a fight for so long i probably wouldnt even know what to do. nah, back in teh day it was all about reflex. if i got hit, youre gettin your knows broken. but now, shit.... its been too long. i need to go fight. the closest ive come to fighting was about 8 months ago when i was stayin at my aunts house in concord and three fools ive never seen before (i dont know anyone in concord besides family) rolled up and sucker punched me. i turned around and was pumped to fight but there were three of them all about my size and they started rushin me so i just bounced. i didnt get hurt at all. that pussy hit me as solid as he could and barely broke the skin on my cheek. the only real shitty part was i had a dope a's hat and it fell off when he falsed me and they took it. life goes on though...

  3. hahahaha. thats some funny shit. girls can be some dumb bitches sometimes. how could you have any doubt that was your chick after that? thats tight you punked the dude in front of his girl. then dissing her made it even worse cus hes supposed to do something abou that. what a little bitch. i mean, i dont know you so mmaybe youre some big green bouret lookin motherfucker or something but still, if you threatened me and flicked a grit at my chicks head id have to do something. whether i got my ass kicked or not. funny shit though.

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