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Everything posted by Serpentor

  1. the funniest part is they know but dont even care. they don't do productions and burners like the east coast kids, but you gotta give them props on all that reckless bombing.
  2. hahahahah. testing the cap in Quiter's Q... funny shit. especially considering it could've been done anywhere but in his piece. wait...is that supposed to say something?
  3. more real flicks...less photoshop and wheatpastes...
  4. booooo!!!i'm not impressed with dark and crappy flicks... i'd rather see some shit by Kilo from Pike Street Natives
  5. Twiga my nigga Slugs Diefor question: why do people post trains in this thread when it's brickslayers???? answer: because 93% of those trains would get no love in metalheads.
  6. wow...it took scumdog for an actual good post. bump
  7. i agree. keep the train photos in metalheads. bump for days. quick question...why you guys posting grave flicks??? don't you know dead men don't paint????
  8. how is it that gaws posts a malice flick but not the slug next to it... foo you're trippin. get your shit right. bump for the whole ups crew. posted or not.
  9. Night of the living crackheads.... that's such a great idea.
  10. Oh Boy! Inch and Abe. yanadadamean?!?!?!? but where's the other guy?
  11. I'd actually like to see flicks and not the same bumped ones a million times...also no artfaggy stuff,or drawings... wrong thread. talking is fun to read considering 90% of the people talking suck really really bad. and the best part is they don't know it. :yuck:
  12. I'm feeling that purple haze producto...post more shit by was...that foo's got nice shit.
  13. Amidst all the toy shit, there's some good stuff in this thread recently. :haha: Funny toy beef too... gotta love the toy beef :love2: .
  14. big bumps Hymn Floe Asoe Zemek do my eyes decieve me or is that watch1 gpk??? personally i think watch upsk has better stuff. :confused:
  15. Re: Re: five point palm exploding heart technique bullshit. didn't you get beat up at a party not too long ago?:beat: :lol: :beat2: :clown2:
  16. Re: Still don't get it? I have Kids blah blah blah I have a wife blah blah blah I'm old blah blah blah I have a Job blah blah... congrats...you deserve a gold star. I've seen asic's shit and i've seen onambiens shit. and anyone who has seen anything by both writers knows asic just doesn't match up. all of this talking will never be said in person... watch out, feeble boned old men trying to dance end up with broken hips. He's fallen and he can't get up! :bawling:
  17. five point palm exploding heart technique a couple things...first why post trains in a thread for walls? second. why post wack trains in a thread for walls. what's funny is, i've seen some of these alley ways. and seen really good shit over pars and pifags. but that doesn't get posted. i'm wondering why. and on a side note... -those whole cars arent tight. -and "the slum lords" does that remind anyone of "the fuck lords"? :krunk:
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