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Everything posted by ohno*rock

  1. ohno*rock


    bump for #900 and a pink paramount! http://campyonly.com/images/retrobikes/71_...t_head_lugs.jpg Schwinn made some sweet Paramount track frames too, can't find any flicks though.
  2. ohno*rock


    heres a couple more http://www.classicrendezvous.com/USA/Bayli...lisY2Kvisit.htm http://www.cyclesdeoro.com/Refinishing/Car...rlton_Flyer.htm saved from the dumpster! i have my eye on a more recent carlton with nevex. not this nice, but nice enough. i have plans to hook it up for a x-country ride in may. i'll have to learn how to post flicks those wood rims are way stylish i'd love to rock those around town for awhile
  3. ohno*rock


    hell yeah, they have way more flicks up on there than i remember. that holdsworth and the vintage dawes are off the meter. you gotta get your lugs done a alternate color! or chromed out. i wish i new how to post flicks, i have so many stolen fotos of vintage rides and desgusting lug work, that id like to post on here. maybe i'll just write in the links to a few. i'm sure some of you have drooled over some of these already but what the hell. http://www.hetchins.org/501.htm http://www.hetchins.org/503.htm http://www.hetchins.org/402.htm http://www.worldclasscycles.com/MAGNUM-OPUS-OAKHAM.htm http://www.rivendellbicycles.com/gallery/r...Riv_headlug.jpg http://www.cwo.com/~lunarlab/images.htm http://www.richardsachs.com/gallery/pages/.../rswhthtube.htm http://www.classicrendezvous.com/USA/Riv_details.htm :( http://www.cwo.com/~lunarlab/image1.htm Magnum opus!!! bling!
  4. ohno*rock


    re-paint for the big baller: theres a couple places you can send your frame away to. thay give it the full servis one color for 130-150 + shipping. search bicycle bike repair restoration or something like that. 150's a lot steeper than a can of rusto, but its pro status, all kinds of clear coats and all that. ask around town for places that hook up dupont imeron paint. that seems to be the prefered paint 4 bikes. maybe u can find a deal. thats all i can contribute. i've never tried it, just read about it. let us know what you end up doing, and how it turns out. i have a 70's trek that could use this treatment. 'hey sweetie, lets go to philly for our honeymoon!' :beat:
  5. ohno*rock


    in other violent news: while pushing in pittsburgh, the best 'call' to get over the radio, was the one that went like this: ' uhh guys squelch my bike just got stolen, and the doodes heading towards uptown on forbes'. this type of call was quickly responded to by every rider that decided to show up for work that day. everyone knew it was a race to stomp the thief, and grab up whatever braging rights came with their own version of tuff justice. the 1st time i heard the call the rider was able to take the thief solo, by hopping on a towtruck, then having the driver chace him down. the kid gave the bike up without a fight.:( The one time i was able to respond in time, so did 5 other riders. 23 watched a guy roll off on his mtn bike, and directed us towards the 10th st. bridge. we all waited at one end of the bridge as the bum peddled towords us drunk on life, and to dumb to figure out what was going on. #4, who was the team fighter, and who had just 2 weeks earlier closelined and mangled a kid at 20 mph, (an aquaintence from a previous disagreement) gets off his bike, and tells everyone to relax, and just act normal. he starts jogging towards the guy whos still a good ways off on the side walk. this doode was so oblivious! anyways we were in for a show. rider4's joggin along and the bum must have thaught he was actually excersizing. they were both moving at a good clip when they met up. at the last second 4 leaves his feat and nails this guy lindros style. the bike ghosts to a crash, and their bodies fall to the ground like bags of bones. we were rollin up as they hit the dirt, and i thought for sure they were both knocked out. 4 hopped up a bit dazed, but still mad as hell. the top of his scull had caught the bum undernieth the chin, and his fists had quickly followed and nocked this guys face in 3 different directions. this guy had it worse than most i've seen, but his eyes were still open and he was breathing, so 4 took the opportunity to stomp his wrist into the side walk hard as hell just to hear him scream. he broke that shit bad, and just picturing it again makes me cringe. i laughed cuz everyone else did, but damn that doode got it bad.
  6. ohno*rock


    in related news: raliegh also used to make forks that had a key whole partialy hiden in the side of the crown. it locked into the stearur toob somehow, so the wheels rolled but you couldn't turn. i always wanted to put one on a beater with no breaks, leave it out near a busy street, then just sit back and enjoy the show. thievs would get broke. :o
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