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Everything posted by emit_df

  1. Started in the early 90's by Emit and Sub.. enjoy.
  2. the page started out scaring me,,, but then it got good.
  3. All the imok fills.. love it.. even isor did one.
  4. This is the kind of stupid ass comment that makes the arguments. Both crews do illegal graffiti. Some day after you do thousands of illegals, get beat up by cops, go to jail etc you will paint legal graffiti and say "fuck the police" with a smile on your face cause they can't do shit. Most every real writer in the world does legals and it's still graffiti. Don't hate cause of your inadequacy and lack of ability to paint a piece. Just shut up and go paint...
  5. True there is no "better" in art but if you read the past posts, west 3A does not do art.. they are just in it to destroy shit. When East 3A bombs and does walls etc... so if skills were to determine who is "better" 3A east is actually better. But it seems the two crews do different things, and have different mentalities on what there graff represents. Someone earlier mentioned west 3A not giving a shit about colors, skills, pieces etc. So if they don't do burners or try to use "skiils" in painting graff there is nothing to compare.. They both write on walls so I guess they are the same?
  6. I hear what you are saying. But if you went down a bombed block the throw or hand with more originality, skill, style will stand out more.. do you want to make a mess or get your name noticed? Are you out for fame, to be known above other writers or not? I understand crushing the system, grimy shit, but if you don't care to outdo others you might as well just write "slayer" or "kill roy was here" or just scribble nonsense all the wall to piss people off. Most writers got into graff cause they saw a burner not a tag... but we all love to cause destruction. It has always been a comp to be up most and best since the 70's. Pretty color bullshit was a way to get your name bigger and more noticed. Have you seen Style wars... do you know graff history? If you just want to piss people off and destroy shit you could just break windows.. why be a part of graffiti culture? I do really like this concept "fuck impressing a buncha graffiti-groupie-faggots" I paint for myself and my crew... I just want to be better than other people so I just don't fade into the background with toy shit.
  7. If you crush with no skill you are still a toy.. even old school CAP had a dope throw up.
  8. Well I have seen my fair share of EAST 3A illegal shit and it all has style.. along with some legal walls that are some of the best in the world. To hate on a legal production just shows you have no appreciation for skills. Every graffiti writer.. every single one wishes they could paint a sick burner...hating on original style and skills is just ignorant. Who the fuck saw a subway burner and said fuck that pretty color shit, I just want to tag on stuff. Anyone can bust a tag or bubble letter.. even a toy. Real kings have style and are versatile writers...I have respect for bombers... WEST 3A do your thing, but to hate on ridiculously sick graffiti is in poor taste. These dudes are world famous.. and thats what this game is about "FAME"
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