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Everything posted by fatlaces

  1. Swis Pick Cover Soke seen old faded tags of theres around Sydenham a couple years back i do remember they having ups in the area in the mid 90's. I think you're right about the documenting of Sydney graf, There are a lot of pics from the 80's then it seems flicks from the 90's are way harder to come by especially for writers who were more bombers (Amen, Fumen, Phew DTA, Horne DTA, Help KOA, Ems One, Kopster, Fish UTB, Posk, Won, Doeism, Mudle etc etc) than piecers. Guess it makes sense cos who wanted to waste their film on a tag back then?
  2. Dope Horne throwups? Where did you catch those? DTA crew were a few of my favourite taggers from the mid 90s Horne, Phew, Kofn, Wspa, Opske, Siley etc later on Mere, Jats, Nue...
  3. oh since we're doing requests how about some Gewiz pIC? Always loved his tags. Or Lebs/Blue.
  4. Dope post N4TE some classic and largely forgotten tags from the early/mid 90s right there Crayon FUA, Bundles FUA, Ems Oner FUA/TSA, Rims & Hasp UTB, Ruen, Pride PLS, Horne DTA etc etc.
  5. Dope Phew DTA used to love seeing his tags on insides back in the 90's!
  6. Dope post N4TE! What area are the UTB/TSC flicks from? Chips and Hips were actually brothers i think, from memory Hips started out as Fish so Fish and Chips haha.
  7. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/teens-body-found-on-sydney-rail-line-20120310-1uqq1.html
  8. yeah and scram and kem got their letters from skeme/dez/magoo etc etc whats your point?
  9. Not tryna hate but Teaz a style master?
  10. damnnnnn touch up blaze blue that was my shittttt
  11. hurts my head thinking about how to paint in reverse.
  12. its missing the old school dude who always goes on about how things were better back in the days. and also the staunch cunt that just likes to roll cunts for their paint. In regards to the Kerupt, he has definitely devolved his style hes gone from early 80's era typical new york public style to the mid 70's new york style. Either way hes doing his thing, goodo n him.
  13. If only they were located in Surry Hills with some ironic stencil street art on it they would be safe.
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