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Everything posted by Missinterpreted

  1. my current favorite 80s wear comebacks. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/members.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/legwarmerBlk.jpg'> http://www.planetboots.com/image/Le-Coq-Sportif/wbcv.jpg'>
  2. damn straight. i just recently started collecting members only jackets. right now, im up to 6. black leather brown leather black blue grey red
  3. even though it was crap, slip n slide was the shit. everybody had one. its funny in the commercials, they go all fast like weeeeeeee! but in reality, you run, slide about 2 ft up until you slide over some rocks and twigs. and in the end, you got grass and dirt all over you. fun times.
  4. my jem and the holograms lighter owns all of you. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/JEMLITER2.gif'>
  5. xxxxxxxxxxxx: so do i have to get gang banged to get in night owls xxxxxxxxxxxx: like fight some bitches or what xxxxxxxxxxxx: did u get your keys? oooooooo: you have to come to louisville let me tap it a few times then start making the rounds in order to be inducted oooooooo: yes xxxxxxxxxxxx: hmmm, sounds boring
  6. yo, oregon trail was the fuckin coolest... i always died of like dysinteria (sp?) or some shit.
  7. hey zack.. i know exactly how youre feeling. my dad passed away in 1998. honestly, it just started kicking in about 2 years ago.. me and my pops were really close. ts weird but for the first couple years, i didnt know how to feel about it, i rarely even thought about. it always seemed like he was on a long vacation and i would be he seeing him very soon. but you know what? it wasnt a bad thing.. it just took time for me to be comfortable with his death. not necessarily i wasnt accepting, but just telling myself he was gone and it was okay. he was a great artist and a fuckin cool dad. take care rip zack's dad rip missinterpreted's daddy..<3
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