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tow up from tha flow up !

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Posts posted by tow up from tha flow up !

  1. um, 5'7", C cup, nice ass, classy fashion... you know clean cut, darker colors, good accessories, hoop earrings, scarves tied back around the neck, dark shades or those trendy faded disco shades. Cute hair cut, not-quite-shoulder-length bob, smells like thermasilk ultra moisture. Skin smells like herbal essence and hawiian ginger oil. I've got a nice face, always happy, I never look mean, so I guess I'm approachable for the most part. Too approachable I think. At least 1 or 2 new guys ask me to hang out a week, none of them are my type, but I guess it counts for something. Personality wise, I'm good company, get along good with the girlies and the guys. I'm a leo, so I'm basicly my own biggest fan which I'm sure is annoying but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm smart, I work for everything I have, got my first job when I was 13, bought my car at 15, moved out at 16. I'm not caught up in the typical girlie things, which is what I'm proud of the most. I don't care about who my boyfriend is, my status or scene points, and I don't do the other typical girl thing and hate all men, dwell on issues i have no control over, pretend like I'm fighting the battle of the sexes.. I just work hard (literally and metaphoricly) for everything I want, and try to be chic in the process ; ) On the ladder note, I argue about anything and everything, I always have to be right, I have extremely high expectations and am let down easily, I live in denial and explode frequently, I'm impatient, I can't fall in love to save my life, aaaaand I cackle. I mean I have an obnoxious cackle that just slips out from time to time, it's really embarrassing. heh. okay then.





    PRUDE - If I had nuts, you'd be on 'em.

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