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JinkZ aNd BrainZ

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Posts posted by JinkZ aNd BrainZ

  1. Originally posted by 007:

    just cause you think emo is cool doesnt mean shitty shirts from thrift stores that say "camp wahitchahee" or "poison" are cool. big thumbs down for you geek ass.





    actually that whole emo look and what not attracts that type of chic might not be cool in ur book. but while ur spending $35 on a iceburg t-shirt that has daffy duck on it i'm buying 15 shirts that will last just as long if not longer and still have money to get some grub and some cigarettes. so keep on rockin that "jigged out" look and attracting those chicks who think u got all the dough and thats the only reason they are fuckin you cause they want some. and i'll be fuckin the emo chicks and plain chick who are still hot as shit and dont hafta take them to the movies and buy them dinner http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'> and oh yea U GOTA ROCK THE 10 DOLLAR VELCRO SHOES instead of paying 150 for a pair of tim's that are gonna match maybe 4 outfit's ahahahahhahahahhahah expensives shit doesnt make you a pimp or "hot" it just makes you a guy who spent a shit load of money to try and impress a chick when u can get an outfit for the same price as ur "jigged out" iceburg shirt. later dogs keep it real in tha hood. ahahahahahha http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'>

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