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  1. think graf, do graf, talk graf, eat graf, fuck with graf, all graf. Its an expression, a view, a voice.... it's Art What you think, what you see, what you experience, what you want to pass on... put all that into graf.:scrambled:
  2. Im New on the scene, and I must say you people cant fucking talk properly... anyway Hey horse dick rider from Texas USA do you all shoot from the mouth or what? Come to Sydney and check out the scene before you say shit. Theres Some awesome work going around. and some fucked up toys too I must say. For all ya'll, learn to speak properly, that way you might be able to write and put up better, you so called Lads. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa. Hey Texas, Sydney is where all the players are. Mocker :lol:
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