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Somebody tell one of these paint companies to quit sleeping on our crew and start giving us unlimited free paint like they do for some these other trendy ass writers out there. Then let's see how fresh the FUA productions get. I'm getting really sick of the politics and dick riding in graff. It's ridiculous. Somebody is getting rich of this shit, and it ain't me.

Damn... I'm being such a hater right now!

Sorry yall... I'm ranting. I'm at home with a cold, and the doctor just gave me steroids for my asthma... guess the roid rage is in setting in!

I'll be back on later this week with another new production... Gotta reach that magic number this year.

FUA 4 life.

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Good lookin out on the stats Mek. You are a valuable asset to this crew. If we got as many walls as you counted, that leaves us with 34 more to go. Let's put in some more showstoppers before we hit #100.

By the way... You wanna do an outline exchange? I need a challenge! I'm working on that alphabet too...

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Juse, I have some personal friends that are connected to ironlak, they must be sleeping; because this thread keeps being bumped to the top. Not because of comments, because of fresh new productions being posted.. I will put a word out there to the people i know. I always said Hicrew and fua needed a paint sponser with all the work being done..

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Good lookin' out Royl... I know you've always been supportive. I just had to get that shit off my chest. It's frustrating to be in graff some times, you know? We work hard and we have skills. But that's not enough... The politics seem to negate skills these days. It's no big mystery if you ask me... If our friends worked for the paint companies, we'd be sponsored. Simple as that. They don't have me fooled... I'm on to the little game that's being played. There's like this new graffiti establishment. The people in the graffiti media (yeah, sounds crazy, but it's 2010 and that shit exists) and the paint companies are basically in cohoots. Especially in the last 5 years, they have made celebrites out of hand picked writers and crafted their images so they can sell more paint and the magazines and websites can sell more advertising. It's a business. And the bottom line is what drives trends in the culture and definitely pushes trends in style. You can see it in the forums.


Not to sound arrogant, but its not for a lack of skill that we're getting snubbed by these gate keepers... we've all got the talent. But you know how it is in Upstate. We always get the shaft. Dudes have tried to throw events, play the promo game, but still no dice. I guess we're just not the flavor of the month... but fuck it. We'll always be on the grind. We have a lot to offer to the culture, and we'll keep doing what we do best - Scratching out solid productions on a limited budget and maintaining a solid reputation. Sorry again for the rant, but nothing pisses me off more than a rigged game.

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After running my mouth like that, I figured I oughta show that I've been doing some homework too. Here's a few new sketches...





I know... these should go in the paper chase... sorry if I'm fuckin up.

Trying to work on style and being versatile. Can't wait to get out and paint!

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Gentlemen... you know how much I love my crew, and this page is a perfect example of why. Mek Pro and Evak killed that last wall. Reo and Rage, delivered onpoint again, as always. With that in mind, I have three thoughts:


1: Can I just say how proud I am to be in the same crew as the rest of you? This has been the best year I've ever had in graff. No question.


2: There should be a televised graffiti awards show... kinda like the Oscars or Grammys, but way more grimey. As a matter of fact, the award ceremony should be called The Grimeys. I would nominate Mek as writer of the year, and Reo as most underrated writer of the decade. Actually, everyone in this crew would get awards if it were up to me...


3: When can we throw down Kes One into FUA and make this crew truly global?


Aight... that's all I got for now. I'll be back on tomorrow night with a portrait and piece production. Think "classic hip hop." Stay tuned...

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