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dude relax, If your posting flix I wouldnt be deleting them. I am not going to sit here and argue with you. First off I want you to realize I know exactly who everyone is on this site, and I am through arguing with someone who is alot younger then me. If i deleted any of your pictures it was because they didnt agree with the forum rules. I got no reason to be riding anyways dick, especially yours. Just follow rules and things will go smoothly. Matter of fact I am going easy on you, others would of banned you a long time ago... I am giving you a chance..

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just sayin, i have had posts deleted that I felt were very graffiti related, and I was not even beefing or saying some stupid bs. I was making a few points about something I felt was very relevant to graffiti, especially in westchester. I dont see how having reasonable conversation about whats goin on should be banned from this thread. Obviously its meant to be for pictures, but lets face it, who is honestly going to go anywhere else to talk about westchester? there is no other areas in this site for that.


Now, I completely understand that all the pointless comments and bs be deleted, because it bothers me just as much as anyone else. But I felt I was addressing some good point in my past few posts, and was honestly surprised as to why they were deleted. Perhaps someone can shed some light upon why? I do not see how relevant and thoughtful conversation should be deleted from here.

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3RD-STRIKE- If that was the case then it was by accident. If we limit the pages of banter and talk on here then it will be easier to seperate resonable conversation from just banter.And if I erased something that was graffiti related and wasnt giving up too much info, I am truely sorry. Like I said conversation is allowed, aslong as it doesnt go astry and just isnt always negative. recent people got banned strickly on being simply disrespectful after countless warnings. I dont take anything personly. Opinions are always welcome as long as they aren't always "that sucks". It just seems childish and really irritating after away. I know we all vary in age quite a bit on here, but this site can actually function really well if everyone would just follow some simple rules..

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Fair enough. I totally agree that this site has the capacity to do good things for the community, its why I continue to come on here day after day regardless of all the crap. Anyhow, enough of all that shit. I am excited to see what heads are gonna come up with now that the weather is finally warming up. I know westchester is a small place, but for a place so small and suburban, I still think it has enough talent within it to make a difference. Lately I have been bummed about the state of New York in comparison to other areas of the country. Lets change that people. Despite all the crap I have gone through the past few years of my life because of graffiti, and as a result have not been able to do as much work as of late, trust that I have not given up. I am in this game for the long haul, and I have big moves in mind for myself, in due time, for my people, and westchester as a whole. Not trying to preach, just trying to inspire some kids to do bigger things out there. It may never be how it use to be around here, and its going to take a lot of dedicated individuals, but I know its a possibility. Summer 2010, do work! (no homo)

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Oh yea btw, 3rd strike you were getting slick the other talking about don't take recycled pics, fuck out of here son, I'll take whatever pics recycled or not, you have posted them 1 thousand times but I'm def flicking them with a better cam and better angles. Hold my nuts. One

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Oh yea btw, 3rd strike you were getting slick the other talking about don't take recycled pics, fuck out of here son, I'll take whatever pics recycled or not, you have posted them 1 thousand times but I'm def flicking them with a better cam and better angles. Hold my nuts. One


word, keep doing whatever makes you little heart happy. im just telling you the truth, no one wants to see half the flicks you post, especially burred out pictures of shit thats already been posted. not gonna lie, you have posted some nice ones and thats cool and everything, least youre taking pictures. but seriously, cut your attitude kid. youre making yourself look real toy, and i very rarely like to use that word. "one" haha, jesus.


anyway, you all this shit is clearly over your head. i never once said anything offensive to you, i dont know why youre getting so uptight. sorry for the "talk", thread, on to the flicks.

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word, keep doing whatever makes you little heart happy. im just telling you the truth, no one wants to see half the flicks you post, especially burred out pictures of shit thats already been posted. not gonna lie, you have posted some nice ones and thats cool and everything, least youre taking pictures. but seriously, cut your attitude kid. youre making yourself look real toy, and i very rarely like to use that word. "one" haha, jesus.


anyway, you all this shit is clearly over your head. i never once said anything offensive to you, i dont know why youre getting so uptight. sorry for the "talk", thread, on to the flicks.


Say no more:heartbeat:

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