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na guys its cool... this dude is so gangsta he set up a proper meeting room in his crib for him and his boys... ordered the rolling chairs and oval table from staples, even got the portable AV cart for the tv. and check out the light on the tables...see those blinds? heavy duty ones so they can black out the room when they're watching scarface... shit is official

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was janet difiore a man at one time?

i like how since this dude got called out he hasnt said anything.

better go make a new username and try again, officer.

i didnt know westchester graffiti was serious enough to need its own task force.

hopefully the recession will get worse so the buff will be dropped as an unneeded expense.

and im already living off of beans and oatmeal voluntarily so it doesnt bother me.:lol: :lol: :lol:

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