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lissen you queens toy. i dont look at new garbage . just cause ya boy holds a can and sprays it dont meen i should see it .. fuk out of here b .. and if you sell crack hard why you not on the corner son? go move that pack son dont worry bout where i be or who i be .. my dutchguts..

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QUEENS toy? lmao I'm not trying to get this thread shut down, but if you really think that I'm going to let you talk shit on some forum you stupid. I was running through your hood in the middle of the night doing things and in your hood in daylight moving things, before you were aloud to stay out past 10 on a Saturday. order ain't my boy, I pressed son for trying to sell me a black book on canal,I don't care for the toy, but I still don't fail to recognize the kids spots. the kid holding a can isn't relevant to the reason why you*could see his ugly fills, but it's actually because you ain't ever been out of your borough, or your line for that matter post some pictures of those Mexicans if u wanna be productive at all on this site, cause you talking shit slash trying to spread your retardation isn't going to get you anywhere. slicing children's heads...PLAY THE ROLE PAPO

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A few from the travels over the years.... BIGUPS BK.............

























I aint promoting shit... the only thing i had to gain was when I walked away from it..............appreciate the experiences Brooknaaaaaam.............

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