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the worst is a dude that can piece with no hand styles. period.



this is a tell tale sign of a kid who learned over the internet, bit a few good ideas, and has a lot of smoke and mirrors as you call it.







kids that do throws and tags forever are in a league of their own and should not be judged by hoity toity internet graff dork standards. these fool risk life and limb everynight while you talk about it.

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the worst is a dude that can piece with no hand styles. period.



this is a tell tale sign of a kid who learned over the internet, bit a few good ideas, and has a lot of smoke and mirrors as you call it.







kids that do throws and tags forever are in a league of their own and should not be judged by hoity toity internet graff dork standards. these fool risk life and limb everynight while you talk about it.


which is why niggas should never try to knock the next nigga about throwies and whatnot compared to a piece. I know niggas that piece that love some of the shit most bombers lay out there. that shit is a art form of its own. a lot of them could burn the shit out of a wall but cant do a throwie or a tag to save their lives haha. theres niggas out there that put as much heart into sick throwies and tags.

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I can dig it dekington Im just taking these pieces at face value Im sure most of these dudes have horrible throwies and crazy lame hand styles I'm a huge critic my self and I've seen allot of this stuff before and Im sure we can all go back and forth with this all day its just ill to me what these guys can pull off with paint



any way hows life my g havent seen you since that night at atmos


im good killah, watching my lil seedlings grow up, still getting my raCK ON, and grinding it out as i see you still hustling a salute you for that. besides that just trying to live before obama enslaves us all. whats good with you though? lol @ atmos i remember the 4 niggas came in there with ninja turtle t-shirts on dancing and shit. niggas was ahead of there time, they was on that soulja boy from eaaaaarrrlllyyyy before even soulja boy lol. whats good with you though? hows that dirty treating you ? my niggas out in miami was smacking miami south beach with that crack. ocean drive alleyway was wreeeeccckkked!!!

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ummmm propane I beg tp differ. Now before this gets critized I'm not calling anyone a toy or wack I'm simply saying Ima east side rider and I think east coast in a whole is better not saying they wack. But a nigga that been on his share of tours, I seen quite a bit not 12oz shit. So it's like this example someone gave rime, I don't call that piecing it's more of cartooning now there is no letter structure anymore I know he has evolved but I think it's not piecing anymre it's like a bubble letter style, I believe jbogard quoted kep saying something like" it only so much u can bend a letter before it's no longer that letter" in the graffiti aspect, but in the abstract world there arent rules feel me? Before niggas jump on my back I think they are extremely talented and dope. They put it on colorways, size an all. But letter structure? Being symetric? I think hands down east coast even though we as a coast have been influenced from them and vice versa. But at the end of the day it's 2009 what ever anyone doin now has been done already. People just combining techniques and that's ill! And speaking on enoes comment I agree alota niggas got shit in the treasure chest and just wanna be sure they refined before they jump out the gate with there's. After I left NYC I because a huge fr8 head especially after seeing NYC street bombing dieing, kids jocking letters not respecting rules and not understandig the hierachy. You know? I'm seeing kids who are fresh on the block dissing legends. But enough of me ranting on about tht. I think Miami niggas are diff putting it on tsc fdc MSG, alota crews in atl dc va jerz heads dudes in boston, and NYC shit look at the fucking wall jick posted? Though it wasn't in NYC I mean hands down when it come to str8 fundamental piecing NYC still has it. Not mention bombing pieced u know?


na u are right thats why i said when it comes to lettering nyc is mecca but that chicago shit is something new and ill to look at i like creative wildness my slime

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talent is one thing what u do with it is another. Example in rap you got a nigga with talent like...... Canibus dude is talented can he make a song? No sone dudes don't have letter structure it stars with wild crazyiness. Like a nigga with no hand doing fills. U can't have that much respect for a nigga that can't even dribble a ball but can shoot 3's u need the basics first is all I'm saying, but them boys are talented


alot of niggas with insane piecing capabilty cant do a throw up if they life depended on it

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the worst is a dude that can piece with no hand styles. period.



this is a tell tale sign of a kid who learned over the internet, bit a few good ideas, and has a lot of smoke and mirrors as you call it.







kids that do throws and tags forever are in a league of their own and should not be judged by hoity toity internet graff dork standards. these fool risk life and limb everynight while you talk about it.


so wavey:cool:

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alot of niggas with insane piecing capabilty cant do a throw up if they life depended on it


yea but thats the thing in this game if im not mistaken your suppose to practice 3 things your throwie, your hand and piecing. piecing is the progression from your throw-up and your throw-up is the progression of your hand. its like how i can dunk on any nigga in the hood but i cant dribble or shoot? everyone in here know a nigga in there hood whose mad tall and can dunk on anyone but can dribble nor shoot more then 5 feet away from the rim to save there life, so whats the point in that?


see i can bring up examples of that but as i quote you some niggas will get booty hurt like im poping shit or talking down to other niggas. this is only my thought im not here to say im better then niggas. just here to talk about my slice i cant speak on the pie feel me?

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