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In regards to those new bronx kids mizer,ribs,quez etc...... you should all change your tags and start over youve got the wind in your back and your making moves but your tags are all taken it sucks but it is what it is if you dont change your tag you will be fore ever toy its a small circle and everyone sees this and if they didnt know some one else had your same tag and was "active" they do now its in your court now...... you act accordingly or you dont its on you it all depends on how your looking to represent yourself if your as ill as you thin you are youll just flip a new name and be that dude Again its on you likkle man the world is yours..... but you gotta follow the rules my genital wart......


now ride that wave and see where it takes you......


indeed my crooked dick. ride that sea til your balls fall off.


lets see some new names and the same energy my little tgkillers. you will get double the respect my fruit salads. niggas will respect the fact that you recognized and realized that your guilty of plagarism and see you bombing harder with your new identitys. its all on you my ass hair its still not too late. otherwise you are just adding to the toyery.

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if hes in the 6 building this means he is allready sentenced and his sentence was a year or under from what i heard his case was way more serious then that some of my peoples fuck wit scant hardbody and no they have nothing to do with graff..anymore anywaysi hear things



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In regards to those new bronx kids mizer,ribs,quez etc...... you should all change your tags and start over youve got the wind in your back and your making moves but your tags are all taken it sucks but it is what it is if you dont change your tag you will be fore ever toy its a small circle and everyone sees this and if they didnt know some one else had your same tag and was "active" they do now its in your court now...... you act accordingly or you dont its on you it all depends on how your looking to represent yourself if your as ill as you thin you are youll just flip a new name and be that dude Again its on you likkle man the world is yours..... but you gotta follow the rules my genital wart......


now ride that wave and see where it takes you......


On the strength of MIZ TGK, my dude been doing his thing for a couple of years now...he writes MIZ, adds the er to the back like most of us do...Mizer/myzer dfa did it before but styles are apparantly different.


Fact is alot of the Flame towards him on this site is emotionally driven aswell as bunch of no names following paths. I say no names cause people put no names, and have even developed a 12oz lingo to that of poster's.


If we want to take it back to people using names we can definately go back in history and pull some cards, along with crew names that have already been used...


to Post, miz dont even want to push kgb...he was thrown down by Near in like 05 and i seen him push it like twice maybe lol...so nobody is butthurt over a digital barring b.


Fact is you put his style against the plethora of toys breeding out the bronx, off the bat the kid has obvious style with alot of time to still progress...


while niggas who did it back in the early to mid 90's did the same simple bullshit throw ups and still used those on they come up a few years ago...then go on to receive a bigger rep cause of crew and niggas pushing online stories...pft...Porfaplease.


just my 2cents. (seeing as niggas want to write whole essays)Peace.



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Guest etchburns
dick shows his face....on several occasions. Then after bombing his room starts to record himself fucking with a fat bitch lol...wtfooooock:lol:


yea his vids are pretty hardcore.

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