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nigga said lewy king of brooklyn??? nigga i guess you never heard of ZECT CGB? niggas gettin fame cuz of the bufff and when you got another nigga helpin fill in you get no points what kinda rush you get outta that??? thats like being in special ed yeah you get extra attention and shit and always got someone there for you but cmon son do you really wanna be in special ed??


bump my boy ZECT CGB

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car bombs dont count..n she needs transit...graffiti revolved around transit when the train era started so even if the actual trains arent hit doesnt mean transit doesnt count thats the main point.cheaters get no credit..not denying her putting in work.im not a hater but whats right is whats rite

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The ONLY way you can even comment on ALL CITY status is if for whatever reason you yourself have to be traveling all city. That means every borough back blocks major streets etc.... not just transit lines.. not only looking at stuff where you happen to go.


I personally don't go to Staten much and rarely get out to the north Bronx but from what I've seen the some people that are definitely "up" these days are VFR, 17, LEWY, LES, and even ADEK... not to mention 17 all over the WORLD not just NYC.


kez5 told me a good point a few years back...he said you wanna know how u know someone has ups is if u can draw their shit without looking at it to copy..he had a good point

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So when I was up there last month the person I saw the most was 17 and lewy, did nt really get to walk much of the transit line except for near coney island, didn't get a chance to leave brooklyn much either except to get a bag in queens on the last day, really wanted to bomb the bronx but the people I stayed with said Id need someone from there with me(for safety reasons I guess) but next time imma do it regardless

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son wtf you talkin about this aint 2005 homie i barely see anything anymore by les lol when you comin into bk no matter where you drive alll you see is zect .... nobody aint sayin les aint never did his thing cuz he did but when it comes to bk everyone can agree that zect is that nigga still to this date holdin it down.... simple cuz most his shit is still seen


i see lewy up more than zect. also different bombing styles. some people are taggers like for example sool, nac who are up and under rated.(used to be much more anyway) les has tons of street tags. so does lewy. fill wise i give it to lewy for brooklyn. 17 as well. even though theres a les through half of them. what lewy does takes more time and balls. them fills arent what i would call regualr size. they are brolly. also if you want to look at it from another angle. les been doin this for longer than alotta niggas. he has nothing to prove. what he does is not for attention... its what he does. like brushing his teeth ya dig? zect def has tons of bk ups but then again there is a very good reason that is so. im not gonna blow up his spot but real niggas know whats up.

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I feel it but its something I see as necessary, nyc and philly are where graf(as we knowit) started and I think you need to be able to hold your name down in both these citys before your a worthy witter(la and sf are the west coast affiliates).

While I was here I walked brooklyn with a bAg n a blunt all night every night and didnt get fucked with.

But I have heard storys of the 90s nyc, back before cellphones in every pocket and cameras on every building, back when new york was really gangster.

A newyork where if you were white driving thru the wrong hood and you stop at a light, youll get a few thugs in front of your car blocking while a few more flank ya and take all u got(sparing your life if they feel generous)

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