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your saying his straights suck like what you say is fact, yup i think i got what your saying. look at your original statement, ur telling jick what to paint and what not to paint like ur opinion is worth a shit. and im a ball handler cus im trying to understand why you think you can tell jick what to paint? and idk why u keep bringing up cecs...i post different writers' graff, maybe u have an issue with his graff?


idiocracy once again its my opinion that his throws and straights look ugly and amatuer compared to his pieces there for i feel he should rather stick to doing thee aformentioned pieces this my anomoly you hipster graff fag i have no issue with cecs graff its pretty cool most of the time im just mentioning 90 percent of the time you post pics they are his please remove his sack from your chin dude

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idiocracy once again its my opinion that his throws and straights look ugly and amatuer compared to his pieces there for i feel he should rather stick to doing thee aformentioned pieces this my anomoly you hipster graff fag i have no issue with cecs graff its pretty cool most of the time im just mentioning 90 percent of the time you post pics they are his please remove his sack from your chin dude


ohhh i see now, it was an opinion, ok. o wait, your opinion doesnt mean shit because all you ever do is talk shit, not credible at all. and a warning to all 12oz users: do not post talented graffiti writers like cecs or kuma or else you will be a hipster graff fag

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ohhh i see now, it was an opinion, ok. o wait, your opinion doesnt mean shit because all you ever do is talk shit, not credible at all. and a warning to all 12oz users: do not post talented graffiti writers like cecs or kuma or else you will be a hipster graff fag


so what you have to say is credible because you run around graff forums with scrotums on your chin? all of the dope writers to come out of nyc all you post is hipsterish kuma lions moose graff it says alot about your opinion on graff you anal bead

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so what you have to say is credible because you run around graff forums with scrotums on your chin? all of the dope writers to come out of nyc all you post is hipsterish kuma lions moose graff it says alot about your opinion on graff you anal bead


i never claimed to have posted a credible opinion on a writer because i didnt...and u say 90 percent of my posts are cecs graffiti but its just not true, quote the pics in my posts list and show me all the cecs pictures i posted. u cant because ur full of shit, i look at ur posts list and 90 percent is you being a bitchass complaining about toys, criticizing the btc crew, critizing writers like minus. if you think u know so much about graff why dont u ever post pictures? probably cus ur a loser who feeds off the reactions u get from insulting writers on a forum lol this is my last post to you, your nothing

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