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i hate the internet because:

some people i know in real life say some shit on here, and im all like yeahh thats my nigga...i think.. im not sure.. and then some people say some dumbass shit, and sometimes thats really my people. other times someone im sure i know in real life says some shit to me on here like, yo fuck you toy, im like chyeah. the internet is stupid.judging by how dumb most you mother fuckers sound i feel like i know all of you.


whatup don u are an anomaly in this scenario

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not really ny but your going to probably read most of it anyways..




Sake: I have been writing for around 8 years now.

People fall off for various reasons. I have seen hundreds of writer's come and go. If it is not in your heart than you will not last. You need mad heart and dedication to maintain anything you do in life. Real graff is on another level, you need need heart, dedication, guts, street smarts, courage, and a tolerance for people hating on you. You must be able to make sacrifices, get used to seeing all your hard work disappear and be able to maintain staying up. You can't be a wuss or you will get stepped on, you risk getting arrested, facing jail time, hefty fines, community work and ruining all you fresh gear and kicks. A lot of people do not even have half of this that is why the majority do not last. I hate when I see kids who bomb hard for a year or two and then they think they are the illest. I have seen this happen many times and that is why if someone is bombing a lot for a year or two it does not impress me, I have been there, done that and I am still doing it 8 years later. The real challenge is keeping up for more than a few years since the average span of a writer is two to three years or less. Staying around for more than a few years separates the real from the fake ass writers. No one can ever diss a real bomber because a bomber is a graff writer, there is no other way around it. I am not saying I will write forever, I can't say what tomorrow holds, but at least I have been around and have seen a lot more than someone who has only painted a year or two. In this day in age it is hard to find people with a passion for something that does not give you money in exchange for your services. Graff is unacceptable to most people. Graff is not supposed to be accepted by everyone, the day it is, is the day graff dies because there will be no more challenges for any one any more. Graff is going against all odds; regardless of the negativity that is piled on you just shake it off.



Vorg: What keeps you motivated to keep on bombing?


Sake: There is always another spot to hit or re-hit with new throws, tags, blockbusters, rollers, or just new styles. Over the years it just became a part of me like eating and breathing. The feeling you get when you hold a can and just go buckwild!!! The feeling of going out and not knowing if I am going to make it back safely without getting busted or getting into any beef or even dying because I love a challenge. Anybody can just walk up to a wall and paint it but not everyone can climb and hang off 6 inch ledges and still make there shit come out phat and get away with it. When you are doing a crazy spot all these things are rushing through your mind and body. Are the cops coming? Is that big guy over there going to run up and try and punch me? Did anyone that matters see me? Am I going to fall to my death? This is all a part of the drug; graffiti has me addicted, seriously! Also what has me addicted is that it is something creative to do with my time.

I sit back and see all these club hopping faggots thinking they're somebody or that they're doing something important by spending all their days working. At night they spend all their money at clubs looking down on people like me because I do graff and don't get paid from it. I can do what they do, it is easy, but is it easy to stay up for years through all the bullshit you go through, from beef to the buff haters? People that have no clue why you love graff so much putting you down for what you do, what they would never have the guts to do. All this feeds the fire inside of me, which keeps me constantly hitting the streets. GRAFF IS TOO ILL…..TOO REAL!! RAW HARDCORE!! Risking everything you have, to do what you love, regardless of anyone's opinion and get nothing but pure satisfaction and self-gratification back. I like people I don't know hating me it's ill, because I have nothing to say about them, I don't care about those people. I've never heard of them, but you know they have heard of me, that is why they can't stop running there mouth like little girls. Keep running your mouth while I keep on running the streets. Keep on hating me I never asked for anyone's approval and I never will.

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i hate the internet because:

some people i know in real life say some shit on here, and im all like yeahh thats my nigga...i think.. im not sure.. and then some people say some dumbass shit, and sometimes thats really my people. other times someone im sure i know in real life says some shit to me on here like, yo fuck you toy, im like chyeah. the internet is stupid.judging by how dumb most you mother fuckers sound i feel like i know all of you.


whatup don u are an anomaly in this scenario






Bro 1st off stop saying ni99a cause you aren't black.... 2nd are your only friends Internet screen names that your so upset that you don't know who people are? You should call al sharpton and fast till everyone on this forum tells you there name.....ni99a!

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