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This forum is brought to you by the 12oz Shop.
irak is dope but adek isnt. he's handstyles are one thing but with me personally. i give no respect to outatowners. this is nyc. i have respect for real niggas that keep shit real here. nigas coming from calli chill here fora few months then dissapear. ima real new yorker and idont givea fuck bout msk or dms or anyof those fags. theyre all wack and try to make themselfs better then us. adeks throwup is honestly one of the most uglyiest throwups ive ever seen by far. niggas needa get on their shit.


you sound real young and jealous right now bro, and fuck if there from outta town we created graffiti and it spread world wide so why hate? If u really have a passion for graff you would understand nd appreciate all style forms of the game. In my opinion Adek and those dudes have redefined letter structures on whole notha level

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