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hahaha its official...yall lil niggahs hate just to hate. what you mean so real writers can hit the street?! THOSE ARE THE REAL WRITERS YOU DOUCHE...THATS WHY YOU TALKIN BOUT THEM HATIN FROM THE SIDELINES. adek is smashing shit right now in official spots..props to these out of towners, fuck outta here with that jealousy/hate shit


no one hating on them i give em props for the spots they hittin, but bottom line is they still OUT OF TOWNERS no matter what you say and what props you give them there no different from any other tourist

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Dear 12oz,


Please make a spell check tool on the "go advanced" response. There are alot of people that either don't check what they are type or sound out words while they are typing. Please help the graffiti writer community by helping those that don't know how to spell learn the English language. Or maybe every few months you are required to take a spelling test to continue to use the 12oz website, or maybe a discounted price for Roseta Stone.....


Sincerly yours,

mr. Break_legs



P.s. WTF is up with yah GED drop out dudes that can't spellthe simpliest words or don't read what you type before you click send? Like dam kid it hurts my feelings to even think niggas is that dumb? How you gonna write when you can't even write proper English????

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no one hating on them i give em props for the spots they hittin, but bottom line is they still OUT OF TOWNERS no matter what you say and what props you give them there no different from any other tourist


so go do something pussy. I hope over the weekend you go diss some of those fills on canal you toy:lol: :lol: .




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lol @ Break Legs, I concur.


I totally agree with you brethren, grammar has been tossed out the window. Some of these people are not able to construct a simple sentence, much less spell simple words. It is these same ignorant uneducated hopeless fools who also take our craft and plunk it down the drains. You may be educated on some levels in the street, but you will never get respect as a grown individual if you aren't able to write proper English.

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hahah yo true story..you should have to pass a basic english test and write like a 1 or 2 paragraph essay before being allowed to post...THAT IS REAL TALK N respact I THAT..i mean I RESPACT THAT.


and as far as them being out of towners so what? because they werent born here they get less respect then say PIN? you truelly give PIN more respect then ADEK? cmon son be serious..you cant hate on a niggah that goes from state to state wreckin shit, ESPECIALLY comin to NY hittin all those high profile areas..niggahs got fills in places where i dont even feel comfortable catching freehands..but maybe thats just me..

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hahah yo true story..you should have to pass a basic english test and write like a 1 or 2 paragraph essay before being allowed to post...THAT IS REAL TALK N respact I THAT..i mean I RESPACT THAT.


and as far as them being out of towners so what? because they werent born here they get less respect then say PIN? you truelly give PIN more respect then ADEK? cmon son be serious..you cant hate on a niggah that goes from state to state wreckin shit, ESPECIALLY comin to NY hittin all those high profile areas,


chill your taking what im saying in the wrong way, all im saying is that there is almost no NY left in NY i dont give pin more respect then adek, but i give JA more respect then adek any day, idk why you bring up pin like he something special(no diss to him) but thats not the best NY got

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hahah yo true story..you should have to pass a basic english test and write like a 1 or 2 paragraph essay before being allowed to post...THAT IS REAL TALK N respact I THAT..i mean I RESPACT THAT.


and as far as them being out of towners so what? because they werent born here they get less respect then say PIN? you truelly give PIN more respect then ADEK? cmon son be serious..you cant hate on a niggah that goes from state to state wreckin shit, ESPECIALLY comin to NY hittin all those high profile areas..niggahs got fills in places where i dont even feel comfortable catching freehands..but maybe thats just me..


damn i go away for a whiile and ya still bring me up

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