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I'm "tryna" figure out what you're saying. But I'm going to have to step back into my 4th grade state of mind.


They're probably a bunch of writers from the Island that you don't even know are from here.


Shut ya face.


I will say the borough is certainly the toyest, still a borough, you still got to come through.



when you guys call a borough toy i just laugh

queens brooklyn staten manhattan bronx will never be toy there may be some toys in it but the borough itself can not be dubbed as toy because it does not revolve around graf

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I think all fights should be taped. Cuz niggas always bending the truth. How many times you fuck up a nigga and he singing that it was a even split. Its good seeing niggas take care of business rather then flexing there keyboard at moms house. This shit been all over the net for years now. I cant see either there faces. Just 2 niggas throwing hands and some bitch screaming at some other nigga to get out her shot. Props to both them niggas for shooting the fair one tho. Great fight.




















You right seeing niggas settle it the old fashion way is whts up. But it don't mean shit should rewinded for the world to see. If you wasn't there guess what? You wasn't there. And if it were posted previously in the thread it doesn't mean it should be reposted for more people to see. And as for the comment of it being on the net for a minute, that's understood. But just because it's on the net don't mean it cool to enlighten everyone of it. I'm pretty sure 90% of the people on this site have myspace/ facebook with pics of there face. So just cause your face it on the net I should post it on this thread where we all know people post illegal graffiti? That's why it's called dry snitching cause your not posting a mug shot of someone but just giving a body size, skin color, hair cut something to determine who you are is clearly dry snitching. Don't get it twisted, the boys might not be on this site everyday all day but Lil clues you give them it adds up. I'm not saying you was dry snitching purposely but if I posted a video that described some what, what you look like without showing your face you wouldn't get tight? Then furthermore I reposted it like "look yah a fight!"...... Not a good move. I mean you may disagree with it, but if I was on a video fighting win or lose, I wouldn't want you to post it, expecially withthe caption saying abc-one vs xyz-one.... That's just evidence, and homegirl shouldn't even have posted it, even if it's the winners homegirl I would have had to keep that video in house......... Just my Thoughts, niggas may disagree and that's cool but shit like that turns around and bites you in the ass.

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10:19 P.M., Canal Street, Manhattan: SONI and SLICK

They pay your way home from The Door at night after the train pass is no good. They have to. You run a school that doesn't open until two in the afternoon, nobody goes home until eight or nine o'clock, the subway pass has been dead for two hours already.

A man from The Door had escorted them to the subway station. He handed them tokens and watched them pass through the tumstiles. "JA'S got this tunnel on the Number One line between Columbus Circle and 66th Street," says SLICK. "He hangs out there. We go fuck him up." "How we gonna know if he's even there?" asks SONI. "He's got a whole wall of tags there in the tunnel," says SLICK. "The whole thing, man, every piece of it is his. We could buff him good."

"Yo, we don't know that area too good," says AUDI. "I'm not down for that."

"Nah, man," says SLICK. "We got to."

"Yo, he tagged up SLICK'S house, we gotta come back at him," says SONI, who, though dubious, is sensitive to his friend's slight. After all, SLICK has gotten into this thing because of SONI. This has been SONI'S beef with JA, and SLICK sort of got dragged into it. Now he has been dissed, seriously. That's the lowest thing you can do to another writer, paint on his house.

AUDI should know this, man. SONI couldn't say it in front of SLICK. It's bad enough for SLICK.

"See? All right, man, be that way," says SLICK. "Yo, man, I gotta go," says AUDI. He leaves them as they wait for a train uptown, to JA'S turf. "Later," says SONI. "Later," says SLICK. "Let's find JA."


10:30 P.M., Upper West Side, Manhattan: JA

A retarded move, JA tells himself. At least from what he had' been told. Personally, he doesn't remember anything before he woke up on the road, cars screeching to a stop near his head. But SMITH had been there, watched the whole thing. And SMITH said when he saw JA take the leap, he thought about having to call JA'S mother and tell her that he had died. Ridiculous fucking thing to have done. JA had been drunk. Spifflicated drunk. All he knows is that he had been with SMITH, on the ramps approaching the Lincoln Tunnel, scoping out places to tag. There was a very sweet-looking highway sign, directly above the six lanes of traffic leading to the tunnel. To get there, he'd had to jump about four or five feet from a street that overlooked it, then land on the frame of the sign. "You almost made it," SMITH had said. The moment he hit the pavement 15 feet below, trucks careening and cars screeching, marked the end of a forty-eight-hour frenzy of graffiti tagging all over the city. It had started on that predawn morning he'd tagged SLICK'S house. "When you get the momentum going, it's like a fuel-you go on like a crack binge-with graffiti, not crack," JA later explained. That was six days ago. So tonight, he is staying home in the splendid apartment on 86th Street, where a decorator's hand shows in every room. Except his lair .He keeps the mattress on the floor. In his oak roll top desk are spray cans of paint. The oak cabinets built into the wall hold giant cans of spray paint, collector's quality: very hard to purchase, heavy-duty industrial-size cans that you could never find in the store. JA is king.

With a flick of the remote, MTV barrels into the room, through the stereo speakers of the television. He turns the page on a magazine, and wriggles his toes. They're sticking out of the plaster cast they'd put on to keep his knee in one place. Pain in the ass.

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if you know where to look you can still see soni and slick tags going over ja befor the train got to them around 59thst... iight 10


beef is beef....its not worth losing a life over thou IMHO....although i do respect the thug angle that take the respect issue very seriously....its a sad day when someone loses a life to graff....just my 2 cents that no one cares to hear anyway;)

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