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you right, you can respect a nigga shit off of many things.


same way as you can lose respect for a nigga after he display certain actions.


nigga can be respected one day, the next day he leave his niggas in the fire, he loses all respect, including manhood and graff career.

dont get too analytical my nostradamus


ps. bloodclot, glad you can join the wave holding papas hand. ill teach you how to be a man but you gotta wait ya turn my inchworm.





I hear you but are you gonna tell th story of how he dd all these things? Nah I didn't think so, plus wouldn't it be his "friends" that were in this fire that should take these actions? Not you? Unless u one of them? Same as the way people here scream anyone is a snitch unless it happened to you 1st hand or seen court documents saying "xyz" snitch then maybe they should shut the fuck up. Everyone so quick to say nah he gets no love cause he did so this back then or that but wasn't there to witness. Mad 2nd hand and 3rd hand stories being told at slumber parties playing weggy braiding each others hairs. Faggots. If you know the story then I can say aiight maybe the shit effected you 1st hand but if you gonna say he pussy cause a couple niggas should up to his house and he ain't wanna come out? Then I wanna see you come outside when a bunch of niggas is waiting in front your house, and quit talking that "my this my that" post ain't start that but he popularized on 12oz.... So be a man go outside fight 4 dudes dolo and speak your own words ". And if you so tough and "non-pussy" state your name? Or your scared that nigga find out who you are that niggas gonna be "dolt and them" deep in front your house. Lol Ding-Dong ohh shit hit the floor don't answer it!!!! Lol



IT's fun to hide behind screen names I gotta admit thT, but you keep make video shootin YouTube up tough guy, just be sure you look in the mirror and call that dude pussy too

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i feels ya scrap aint arguin witcha...i been there done that (bout 10yrs b4 you).. it was cool when i was 16 runnin into train yards, rackin paint and busin niggas over the head for stupid shit i put my time in.. shit after close to 15 yrs.. old habits die hard


whats even better is havin the nigga who taught you like "you did good yung man" shit im very proud to be a hasbeen. i love this sport and coming from the niggas who helped mold MY era i wear that badge with pride.


Lets leave it at:

if you make it to hasbeen status weel be here, us hasbeens.... with a cold coors light and a high spot on the wall for ya :lol:






btw bump all hasbeens before us!

cus without them what would this game be?



You aint never lie.. Preach :cool:

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