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Na if you doin some legal shit buy the paint but really nigga if you worried about your job why you painting???? Really... And selling bud 2 buy paint is even dumbest shit i ever heard ..fucken Hert told me that shit few weeks b4 he went in i was like wtf nigga ... Just rack it i mean niggas aint only doin walkouts in depots no more feel me

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looks like hugos art gallery .. nave on the right fore on the left ..cuze tags in the mist..anyways we all know raep started the pyramid ..and many have done it threw out there graff careers .. but it was raeps period .. he used it all the time slime .. after he fell back off the scene people used the pyramids of life on some one time shit .. i came threw usin it on a consistant basis .. and im lettin it be known .. distinct diamond flooded up sphinx shines on my links .. pyramid point pshines:scrambled: :scrambled:

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Idk how any of you see how its ok to buy paint to commit a felony at all... Think of it like this buy spray and get caught bombin and get smacked with a crazy ass fine .. And some time or spend some bread drive a few ours south do about 2 walk outs ... Get paid in paint and have paint 2 bomb.. Down fall grand larsony ... But im just sayin i aint ever payin for paint ever


graffiti game tricky just cuz a cop know you write what ever you write dont mean they got proof yes they will try there hardest to get you to sign a paper but think bout it why would they need you to sign the paper if they some how got video proof all they gonna have bunch of pics if you do get caught in the act alway toss your cans were they cant get it and run always be street smart a cop cant just tell jugde i saw him write (your tag) they gotta have proof just cuz you have paint on your hands or shirt dont make you a graffiti writer the only thing ull go trew is bookens comuinity services and a fine that depends on your record most will be 120 like whore said bout them walk outs they can really get you fucked over ether u get bagged they try and trap u in a store ur reaction gonna be knock out anybody in your way some store will just take there shoppin cart back and u just walk out if ur lucky wont have the paint but look goodside u aint get locked

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Na if you doin some legal shit buy the paint but really nigga if you worried about your job why you painting???? Really... And selling bud 2 buy paint is even dumbest shit i ever heard ..fucken Hert told me that shit few weeks b4 he went in i was like wtf nigga ... Just rack it i mean niggas aint only doin walkouts in depots no more feel me


Like i explained, the same theory cant rock for everyone.

---Ive never ever ever, thou .. heard someone say they sell bud to buy paint.


Thats crazy....


As for the job situation,... some people feel its less risky to go and do a fillin or three,

then to do a walk out with a possible grand larceny / robbery etc charge...

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graffiti game tricky just cuz a cop know you write what ever you write dont mean they got proof yes they will try there hardest to get you to sign a paper but think bout it why would they need you to sign the paper if they some how got video proof all they gonna have bunch of pics if you do get caught in the act alway toss your cans were they cant get it and run always be street smart a cop cant just tell jugde i saw him write (your tag) they gotta have proof just cuz you have paint on your hands or shirt dont make you a graffiti writer the only thing ull go trew is bookens comuinity services and a fine that depends on your record most will be 120 like whore said bout them walk outs they can really get you fucked over ether u get bagged they try and trap u in a store ur reaction gonna be knock out anybody in your way some store will just take there shoppin cart back and u just walk out if ur lucky wont have the paint but look goodside u aint get locked


i totally agree..

EXCEPT, where u say a cop cant tell a judge he seen u writing graff....


if a cop sees u , and chases u .. Hes the main witness, and him telling the judge he seen u... is damaging evidence..

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