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HAHAHA Those phantom vapes are JUNK you got ripped the fuck off why spend all that money on some bullshit chinese knockoff when you can just buy a quality, legitimate bag vape? step your game up lil nigga you could have gotten an actual bag vape for a hundred dollars less.. when your piece of shit breaks heres some rcognized, high quality vaporizers. lmao at you comin back all hard with that shit... loll








Extreme Q

and prlly the best one you can get: Silver Surfer vape



PHANTOM IS MADE BY THE VOLCANO COMPANY DICK, which is the best one out on the market. ITS AN UPGRADE TO THE GREY VOLCANO. the old volcano has a fucking knob that sais hot or cold this one is black and has a digital temperature dial. it has a 5 year warranty if it does break anyway which it wont since i use it properly.





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chris benoit myself? ur a fucking herbbbb lollll. youse a shoebee my great grandson get kicked off tha beach lil nigga i dont even gotta shout out who u is you pussy i know like 5 niggas who beat the shit out of you and ran your mans kicks u aint built 2 wade thru the water my nigga u cant handle the tides. fall back mr. softy [/color][/i][/b]


my son youve embarased me on this forum never thought id raise a 12oz homo

my son ill body you in the paint you dirtbomb can for can man to man you a son Dula

you get sent to the store for dutches and kicks my son drag got them on the ave 50 dollas a pop them new flava hookerbocker airforce 1s na mean ..squalllll a

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lmao if only i kneW? the pics speak for itself. you toy. you mad. holla at me when you have almost 10 years (so prolly in 10 years) oh AND you have a bootleg volcano. you pussy. just stop. [/color][/i][/b]


So I heard good trolls try to troll with the word troll in their username. Your trolling ability is on par with your writing ability. Go pick up the spongebob coloring book, and try to color inside the lines next time bro.

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your the kid with the gay nude man ghost attacchment and you still acting hard,trying to make oldschool killas feel bad with your WAVY talk.i will smack the shit out of you son,pm me..i will tell you who i am as long you tell me who you are,im gonn put fright in your carpel tunnel hands,make you put your laptop down for a bit because you and a few other clowns are makeing ny look retarded,i no i dont post alot of pics put thats fine,i dont troll when i dont instead of contributing to a former sick thread

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