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this is from the time Elaine and I went to that club in the meat packing district, early 90s, met mad girls there, then it disappeared,


I'm sorry George but this is from when your friends car was stolen and the cops thought they had found it in that warehouse and there was a funny 'Law and Order' take off scene.


The meat packing night club was in the lower west side and had a Mate hollow.




[Pier 38 Warehouse]


The interior of the warehouse is gloomy and dank. There are cars and

parts of cars arranged round the area, together with tools, welding gear, etc.

Detective McMahon stands beside a car-shaped object hidden under a white sheet.

Jerry and Elaine are led in by a young patrolman who looks queasy.


YOUNG COP: Watch where you step. There's quite a bit of... grease.

Detective, Jerry Seinfeld is here.


DETECTIVE: How d'you do. Thanks for coming down.


JERRY: (indicating) This is Elaine Benes.


ELAINE: (explaining) We used to date, but now we're just friends.




JERRY: Yeah.


DETECTIVE: I'm sorry to make you go through this, but we need to make



JERRY: Well, what's going on? What is this thing?


DETECTIVE: One of our patrolmen stumbled over this.


He lifts the sheet, revealing what's beneath to Jerry and Elaine.


ELAINE: (horrified) Huuh! (she turns away and covers her mouth)


JERRY: Oh my God!


The young patrolman removes his cap out of respect for the victim.


DETECTIVE: The block is nearly split apart. We found the overhead cams

thirty feet away. We can only hope the body sold for scrap.


ELAINE: Oh, my God.


DETECTIVE: And we know it's a Saab. The angle on the Vee-6 is

definitely ninety-two. The model is hard to determine because the drive train is

all burnt out.


JERRY: What is that smell?


DETECTIVE: Look at the clutch.


They look. Jerry and Elaine don't like what they see.




The patrolman cracks and leaves hurriedly, looking nauseous.


YOUNG COP: Excuse me.


DETECTIVE: Whoever did this didn't just dismantle it. I mean, they took

their time, they had fun. They were very systematic. They went out of their

way to gouge the sides of every piston, and the turbo was separated from the

housing and shoved right up the exhaust pipe.




JERRY: Wait a second. Turbo? I didn't have a turbo.


DETECTIVE: Your car's not a turbo?


JERRY: No, it's a nine-hundred S. (happy) It's a turbo, Elaine, a



ELAINE: (sobbing happiness) It's a tu-hur-bo.


Elaine and Jerry hug in happiness. In the background, another woman



WOMAN: Excuse me, did you say turbo? Saab turbo nine-thousand? Is it...

(voice breaking) midnight blue?


DETECTIVE: (condolences) Yes ma'am.



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