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REQUIRED READING: Crossfire edition.


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The nuclear family is also essentially part of the capitalist doctrine.


I don't even know what point you're making now.


The nuclear family is good? lol

The liberation of women is bad? lol

Men need to buy things?


a: the family period is good. if you actually think that whole "every man for himself" philosophy is working for our kids, re-examine the past 30 or so years.


b: the hyper-sexualization of females paired with notion that a mans material wealth is in direct correlation to his "strength" or masculinity (along with other faux notions of what a man should be) that has been pre-packaged and sold to the masses as "girl power" has been a contributing factor in the de-stabilization of the middle class. how many divorces have resulted because of home foreclosures. the wife makes more and the husband has been laid of due to company re-structuring. this scenario gives light to the marriage between media and high level banking intrests.


the "original" lib movements (1930's-60's) were the only era's where real change came about.


in short it was good, stop jumping to un-based conclusions.


c: men should be men. if you don't know what it is to be one then




on all fronts kid.:huh:

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