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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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guess tek got u to put it on...lol..its all good..my anger gets the better of me...as far as mitch..a rat like that never gets props!i was talkin about graff shows BUT A HMMM a big graff jam..t we have done the river walk and this year it was the biggest ever..and what we got comin up...ooooooooooo kids heads are gonna spin when the they see the jams comin up in newark and somewhere else...


and actually the biggest show was the birthday show for me and snow!

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im my own man dude, dont get it twisted......and i definitly didnt throw that up to start anything with u. givin, u do pull these jams out here and more power to you, but , u stating that jerz had no light before u got here, ...and how u started the biggest jam and 1st shop just isnt true.

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The dsm toys have been wak for years. Everyone should just go over them. Let them try to go war with everyone.

Demer I know you were just trying to state facts of stuff you've done for graf but don't go overboard. Nothing about NJ graf history should be erased. Late 80's & early 90's were a great time in graf. Before cell phones & camera's on every corner.

Don't lets toys ruin the good you've done. Graf lives.

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What ppl fail to realize is that none of this nonsense really matters. This thread is a 'window'

into the NJ graf scene for everyone around the country and the globe that doesn t live here or travel here. In this modern digital media era this thread is one of the ONLY ways for other graf writers around the world to 'see' what NJ has to offer...past, present and future. y' all shld keeep that in mind before you start to post beef and nonsense. Lord knows, that I know everyone doesnt get along with everyone,however, I dont indulge every impulse to slash, shoot, beat, cross out, stab, bludgeon,torture,gossip, talk smack,jump,fight, kill, maim,beef and respond to every single person that has tried to attack me. The reason for that is simple: IT DOES NOTHING FOR GRAF OR NJ GRAF...NOTHING. Those that do help NJ GRAF grow, I support, whether I 'like' them, their style or anything else about em. These writers that help the scene grow help all of us, regardless of personal agendas,if they grew up in NYC, NJ,Philly,north jerz,south jerz, old skool, new skool, true skool...whatever.

In this dismal economy,with all those writers out there who have children, it is NOT a good idea to mess with a man's livelihood. This crosses a line that shld NEVER be crossed. I, myself have adversaries that have children, I NEVER croos that line, once u do, u can NEVER go back. So just a reminder, act, dont react. Think about what ur doin before u escalate something to a level or point of no return. Remember, bow to the ART and it WILL bow back to you. Peace

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Well said Nix...I've said the basic summary of that on here before as well. If a writer from Cali for intstance who has never been to Jersey and wants to see what the scene is about and has the internter, this would be a great spot for him to see it if all of this nonsense wasn't going on on the forum. There are to many great writers coming out of this state and we get written off as a joke most of time by people out of state. I know this for a fact because i like to travel and not too many people have alot of positive things to say about us. This is a fact and its a shame because there is a large talent level in the state but a lack of sub-cultural brotherhood that we need in order to make a massive impact on the rest of the world.

Now I'll sum this up in ebonics since I know that how some of you guys type on here....

Yo Mah G'z...We GoTtA Get r ShIT TogeGEVA n Do Da MuHfUCkn tHAng ThaNG oN Da glObal LevEls NaH MeAN?!

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guilty as charged !


demer why do you say nigger so much, do you hate black people. and can anyone help me out im trying to find the online application for dsm crew.


there is no application lol....just meet cro and ur good lol....matter fact just push it ur good lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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