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endurs sick too

Here are a few fliks i caught some time ago.......









Peace ...........KEEP IT GRAPHILTHY......................................................................


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yo micah.. or should i say elis? i wasn't trying to disrespect i was juss being real cuz the original hardcore bombers and piecers aren't out anymore and these new guyz don't hold it down like the old school cats... and as far as getting up, you don't even know who i am so basically thankz for posting my pics cuz you have already and juss to let you know i get up more than you and 10 of your friends combined so learn some history before you pop off



damn hella puttin people on blast..

its a good thig i dont write ELIS..

or even write at all..

but shit i wasnt tryna get you all mad..

i mean to a point of dropin a dime on the internet..

but i was just talkin shit..as usual..

and about history..

how am i supposed to learn some history

if i dont even know what you write..

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