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Modesto 209


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Bud is good beer, it's not the best but it's good, plus the reason I said that is Frank Cho, the 12 Galaxies dude has a standing agreement with the management at 12 galaxies bar that whenever he comes in he gets free budwieser since the place is named after his signs. that dude's pretty cool, you can go up and talk to him if you see him, just be like "hey frank want a smoke?" and sometimes he'll actually tell you about his day.

and every one knows Peeber is the best beer in the world.

Pee Bee Are all damn day!

or high life.

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Wow thread is falling.


People talking about beer and people talking about signs.





Now flix ppl come on.


what's better than beer? nothing, that's what, aside from maybe cocaine and gin.


so fuck you, let's rename this faggot ass thread "the beer, cocaine, and gin superthread."


c'mon evryone, graffiti sucks.


c'mon, you know for a fact that it does.


I mean just look at what it is:


"i'm an idiot kid who didn't get hugged enough as a youngster so i need to go draw on other people's property in order to feel like I'm getting noticed buh buh buh buh buh mee mee meh mee muh"


writing graffiti makes you a fag.


it's true, krink has aids in it, that's what makes it shineee!

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