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Modesto 209


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for the record FY is three people







Fish Headz

Fish Gutz

Fish Tailz


Pajama City

Dino Buddies

Party Mouse

Bikini Speedway

Free Pizza

Free Wi-Fi


there's more but i can't think of em right now


Stampo moved to just moved to Boston though but he's puttin FY up out there


fuck talking about yourself in 3rd person is gay i shouldn't do it.


anyways, bump Clem and Leak more flicks


Fuck Ya'll


Forever Young


Fun Years


Fixies n Yola


Fake Youngsters


blah blah blah


aye Leak I know you got more flicks dood, post em already


much love from the East coast Kids

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Im usually not the type to talk shit behind a computer but I see some shit talking going on about ATL. So all i have to say is " Im in the game bitch and you just sale tickets" and for u dumb niggas that dont know what that means " I actually write and youre just a spectator"




if your not someone to talk shit behind a computer than why you doing it now? and if you only defend ATL out of all the crews being dissed than apparently you throw up ATL, or at least use to.


plus glad you can quote rappers.

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