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Modesto 209


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FUCK IT YALL lets all have the OG.s and the youngins that go style go out and handle the streets

lets have 08 08 08 08 08 08 the come back for the MODESTO

old cats lets go for a couple of spots ALBE UM OGS TOC OFF TNS DWS JTL LORDS SDF AOT ABS TBC GS SWRVE FTG YS STDR all the cats from 2 years ago and cats from the 90's lets do this shit


for the yougins i like to see NUE for the most kid got and idea and AEK amar lets see RAKE and pie you got the spots but lets see you improve G you got potential......... i hop there's more i can name but its a dissapointment i cant but alot of kids got the potential but yall too lazy now and days


wtf? what kind of fantasy world are you livin in? yeah thats a real good idea naming every crew in the book too... are you trying to make this thread an encyclopedia for cops to read?
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wtf? what kind of fantasy world are you livin in? yeah thats a real good idea naming every crew in the book too... are you trying to make this thread an encyclopedia for cops to read?


cops dont neeed a book to read these names they already have files on them so what makes a difference kid

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hey bring tharukus ,i got 1,500 $ worth of streeks um and lots of paint i think i can hang with those cats too imean i got skills ,but too bad im up and when i say im up trust me im up no dis just keeping it real for yall toys ,,ask about me




I garentee this fools full of shit when he says he has 1,500 dollars in streeks.


N i would like too trust you for being up. But no one noes your name. So i dont know if you up.


Im not saying say it on here. N im also not saying say it in a message. Im just saying =]



Thursday nights with 3 blunts hella homies n bitches make me :)

And the next morning makes me :rolleyes:

But friday night makes me :)

And saturday morning makes me :(

But saturday night again makes me ;)

And sunday morning makes me :huh:

But Sunday night makes me :D

But fucking monday morning makes me :eek: :rolleyes: :scrambled: :o :confused: :( :scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled:



Have fun yalllllllll

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hey bring tharukus ,i got 1,500 $ worth of streeks um and lots of paint i think i can hang with those cats too imean i got skills ,but too bad im up and when i say im up trust me im up no dis just keeping it real for yall toys ,,ask about me


oh boy. i hope i have that many streakers some day.....

Thanks for keepin it real for "us toys".

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