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Modesto 209


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looks like its Game Over for still smoking.. hahaha....


if its a building or a wall downtown.... kill that shit.... just because they were selling graff supplies dosent mean that they are down with graff.. they only wanted the money, thats why there shit was so expensive.... and they didnt even know shit about what they were selling, thats fucking lame.... go still some caps off cans at wal-mart, or get at me if you realy need those so hard to get caps that they used to sell at still cheifing....


if they were realy down for graff they wouldnt just pull shit off the shelves cause a couple of dudes hit there store.. its not like its the first time.... and im sure it wont be the last....


....Toys Get Played....

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-weres the rest of all those old school modesto flicks?? any from the old lords and pows battles?? or from the old lords wall on ninth?? or maybe the hotel downtown on Jst??there was alot of tight shit painted in modesto and props to the ones who still hold shit down....

..Taking Graffiti Personal..

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