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Coventry VS Leamington UK!! shhhhh...


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who the fuck are you?!


shut the fuck up and flip the fuck off!!


them pieces is sick, I wanna eat the esta paintin whilst I sit on that able paintin


U guys are BUR NING and you fuckin know it ! !


I know some writers who got jealous of other dudes with bigger skills, they turned into jelly babies and some kids ate them feet first.


I don't even need to be typing this defensive shit, able n estas pieces defen um selves ! ! biggup! ! ! ! !



btw flipstlye, reply to me when U reach member status "junior" ;B

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ight... this shit is hott, the first one atleast is some fire shit..


i dunno wuts funnier, readin yinz's shit on the other side of the pond, or laughin at the weak ass beef, course my city is just as bad.. toys hatin on those better than'm .. thats life i guess. shits hot. can control son.. this kids got it.

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people, whats up with these guys paintin in a garage. its fukin winter in this country for fuk sake. if u ask me they got the idea, use the facilitys intill the weather allows them to hit the streets and judgein buy the way the last view days has gone i thinks we might just be seein such shit soon. just enjoy and chill with it.

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woah woah woah, billy big bollox, at what point did i slate the standard of ables work? thats right, i didnt. its brilliant. i could slate esta's if you want me to? but i dont particularly want to. all i was saying was that, its another piece in the same fucking garage.


as for your membership staus jibe? what the fuck? you might have to explain it, because ive been on here under this particular name for 2yrs now, and made less than half your posts, and youve been using eeeeee for about 10months? are you saying i can reply when i chat as much shit as you? yeah? cool, glad we sorted that out. conclusion: you're a noisy cunt

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That Garage is the only ND proof spot in cov so when they stop getin drunk and thinkin that makes them ok 2 go over me then i will b "keepin it real" on the streets again. Im not guna stop paintin cuz they go over me, ill just keep my self 2 my self 4 a bit. No beef just facts.

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I only moved to Cov a few months ago. Judging by the amount of pieces people are posting theres gotta be a good amount of either legal walls or chill deralict spots but I haven't been able to find a single one in Coventry just one legal wall in Brum. Someone tell me how things work in the UK are skateparks free game and are these fucking cctv cameras on every block of the city? Plus if someone could pm me how to get to any legal wall either in coventry or leamington i'd appreciate it. I can understand if people don't want to give out their chill spots to some random person though.

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yea I noticed that especially since all i see in the centre are a few wack handstyles. the only other areas of the city ive seen are stoke and earlsdon. i went to a skatepark in earlsdon that had a production on the building behind it and some shitty throw ups on the actual ramps but i got a ride there and have no clue which bus to take to get there.

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