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Coventry VS Leamington UK!! shhhhh...


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this thread is just as shit as the two threads that it's made out of.


the idea was to post the best of the best in here, not just something for the sake of it or just because you did it and you're too vain or big headed or whatever to realise it's wack.


also beef was meant to be kept out of here. if you want to bitch at each other over the net use msn or the handy PM system featured on this very site.





if anything this thread is doing the exact opposite of what it was intended to do. notice how people from outside post comments like "yo cov n leam have shit scenes but able still kills it"


that's because writers like able have been sorting their good shit from their grimey shit and putting their illest stuff in here so it's all that people really get to see.




this thread is meant to showcase coventry and leamingtons finest shit to the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, we're on the world wide web guys every one sees this shit.


I thought maybe people would get that and realise that coventry city UK doesn't even exist to most people on the planet and that this was the best way to show that it does and that it has the POTENTIAL for a good scene.


if anybody is actually serious about this shit then they'll forget all the petty rivalry and start trying to build something, an almost wise guy once said "at the end of the day it's paint on a wall".


I thought we'd be flaunting the finer side of the scene but the threads we have up make it seem like there's no such thing.


I could write an essay on this shit but I bet no ones even read as far as this so there's no point.


Merry Christmas

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From back when ther was no beef, or toys with egos and every1 had respect 4 other heads no mater what crew name they wrote. cov graff, 1 love!






can't believe what they've done with that place, it was like the tate ! ! now is just another carpark...

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