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Police hope tapes help nab vandals

Etched windows, spray-painted building will cost $2,500 to remedy




Santa Rosa police are seeking public help tracking down two young men photographed on surveillance videotape apparently in the act of vandalizing buildings.

The most recent incident occurred at about 2 a.m. Thursday at the Safeway store on Mendocino Avenue in Santa Rosa. Four front windows were etched, causing more than $2,000 in damage.


The man captured on video was described as Latino, age 18 to 25, with brown hair. He was wearing a multicolored striped hat, patterned sweat shirt, and dark vest and pants.


In the other incident, a large amount of graffiti was sprayed on a commercial building on Bluebell Drive. The incident occurred about 9:30 p.m. Dec. 23. Repainting that portion of the building will cost more than $500.


The young man captured on videotape was described as white, age 16 to 20, with a thin build and brown hair. He was wearing a plaid jacket and blue jeans.


Police also are investigating window etching and spray-painted graffiti vandalism at four Santa Rosa schools over the past month.

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Words of wisdom.


"Upon my recent return from an extended vacation courtesy of the federal government, I arrived in a city with a

level of graffiti activity I had not seen in a long time. How I loved to see this town bombed the fuck up!

Big ups to the courageous crews running around like crack military units. And the individual writers. The nights

belong to you.

To the old school heads, what up. I still don't give a fuck. I'm back from college with some new knowledge.

never let the life you lead stray, from the words you say.

To detective goldshlag and his informants. I guess it took the feds to come into your house and do what you

couldn't in 10+ years.

To those responsible for this web site, I see you as real contributors to the culture and

that warrants respect. And to the person/persons who hit me up on 101, you burned my eyes and warmed my

black wretched heart.

If an artist internalizes his issues and expresses them through his chosen medium, then when I bomb graffiti,

I express my internal contempt toward mainstream society for trying to poison my mind to the truth. Every

square foot of concrete is vandalism on this planet. What we do is just icing on the cake. Let us do it in style and

audacity. And as for any statement I'm making when I bomb, how about "Fuck you, catch me if you can!"

Underground culture in your face. Come above ground to defy the status quo. There's a reason trends are

set in the underground. Where fearless individuals aren't afraid to question traditional thinking or have abandoned

it altogether. Yeah I'm talking about some mutha fuck'n outlaws."


so true...

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