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what i say that noem was gay i tell him to his face.

bear is a softy he knows it.

prize is a emo fag i tell him to his face.


answer my calls???? come on dog who is the one calling me to record casuse you cant afford equip, wait your probably gonna say you are better than me at flowing now to huh? please you overgrown ape who is to stupid to understand that stating the truth is not talking shit.


has been 28 year old huh? well your still poor,ugly and ignorant and no amount of shitty burners is gonna change that..


honestly use big use stupid use what ever you wanna be called, you aint shit dog not now not ever.


and not only do you call to record but you call for store credit cards cause your brokes asses cant afford anything else but walmart paint.....be real user aint no one over here scared of you dog


i aint noem i aint prize and i aint baer homie.




you know what im not gonna get into a pissing contest with you online.


flat black all day...

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