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lower your head in shame?

dude whatever im out there doing that shit

how many writers actually hit those not very many

and im sure you didnt start out being the shit


yeah man..yer doing it. but before you go painting trains ya need to getchya weight up. learn how to cut up and look clean. yer shit looks like bugs bunny painted it.

all i'm saying is trains are sacred to a lot of writers..when you just go hitting them up with some half ass work it just looks bad. put that on a wall and no ones sayin shit..but any metal head who puts in major work is gonna snuff yer shit. end of story.

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yeah he used to catch a lot tags down here..i dont rember seeing any pieces or even throwups. juss some hallows.i think he was from san jo..i could be wrong.



Not everyone does pieces. hes from santa cruz, but i saw one of his tags on the east bay like a year ago or 2. someone said he got chapped but i dont think so probably just moved out of sc. orel crushed. Still has tags ridding from 02.

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