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i said it on flickr, i'll say it on here; your styles speak for themselves. no matter how you feel or what you say, style is king. you're lacking. it has nothing to do with, "being from the 90s" it has to do with the FUNK, FLAIR, and QUALITY that developed from the artists of that era. hit the books my sons. some of the best writers ever to come out of this city are from the south, and you have large shoes to fill...learn your history

















was too drunk to do this all last night

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no offense but what i think illusions is trying to get is that hes not doing it for you or anybody else. hes doing it for him and what he likes. styles evolve. everybodys styles change over time. just because he doesnt add a shit ton of arrows like they used to back in the day doesnt mean his shit doesnt have funk flair or quality. if you guys want arrows he can give you a bunch of confusing arrows. but i doubt thats his style. hes does what he does because thats how he likes it. just because you like your steak medium rare doesnt mean we all have to like it medium rare. there are a lot of different age groups in the game. you might be in the older section and i see where your coming from because thats what you were used to seeing. but this is the new age. you have to have an open mind about everything. take it how ever you want it. im not here to offend anybody just giving my word

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i eat my steak while its alive son.

while i do recognize that ages changes and some styles ghet left behind,most do progress and end up being dope..

theres always the sense of real recognizes real,now what i mean?

now im not saying any of you are *fake* or nothing,but you take it how you want it..

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I think the best view of it all is this:

People rockin' in the early-late 90's were THERE to actually sense what happened.

Newer generation just caught the fumes from that.

Now there ARE new fumes to be had but the thing is that the previous generation

got to be at both episodes. Now run and tell that homeboy.

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it is what it is.. haha i love that shit... anyways this is how i see it.. if you dont want people to get at you and what you do then you shouldnt come on here posting every flick you take of your own shit.. i mean a flick here a flick there is cool or just wait for someone else thats not in your crew to post your shit.. cuz all it seems like to me is you go out and hit some spots just to take a flick and come post it on here like your trying to say hey look we get up too.. if your getting up and doing your thing the real graff heads will see that.. the best way to get respect is just staying to yourself doing your thing and dont get caught up in all the hype.....

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