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Cyber Graff

SpanestyleS uN

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do u guys draw with just a mouse? or a pen mouse...or what? My hand isnt steady enough to stuff that looks half decent with a mouse...


if your using photoshop, use the pen tool for easy straight line 'sketches'. Also muck about with the pen tool to get a feel with how you curve stuff. if your really interested in digital graffiti get cinema 4d or illy

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  • 2 weeks later...

dont be such a close minded wankface.... your, like, so totally gaaaay.


This isnt neceseearily graffiti but thats not to say its not good. it takes skill and creates fukin hot shit so to fukin dismiss it like that is ridiculous. u rekon cos its not fukin illegal its not worth talkin about and displaying? its just another dimension, it may not give u an adrenaline rush or be illegal but alot of it is completely sik so grow up and look outside of ur little protective bubble man

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