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On the contrary i think those paints were a lil bit whack,seems like a lot of newbies wana get to peice stage way quicker than anticipated. Dont get me wrong ive only recently started paintin but im focused more on the basics, and would rather see good basics done than 'try hard' antics.

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from wot i hav heard these guys hav been painting 4 a fair while now. and im sure they hav done their basics. there is a fair bit of ivo shit around cov prehaps if u seen some of it u mite think that he aint a newbie

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Originally posted by grand+Mar 19 2006, 04:25 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (grand - Mar 19 2006, 04:25 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Dock@Mar 19 2006, 03:24 PM

and wher is that trak grand?


between leam and banbury.



dock we met once last summer, i showed u that peice on my digital camera, which u gave me some batteries for and i showed u some photos of some crap stuff i did early that summer.

you showed me some old skool blackbook with loadsa pics and stuff. if u remember.


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Feelin it man-quite shocked to be fair, good improvement.(shame bout that 'SREAK' tag huh)?? lol.CLean line s mate thats what its all about. Posted on the cov thread bout how peeps want to get to peicin shit before learnin the basics-like to see ppl goin the right way about it. PS that wall al the top seems lo-key, where is it dude?

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Originally posted by stemuk@Mar 14 2006, 09:28 PM

i dont recall trying to give advice to anyone... all i did was agree with someone who had something nice to say bout what i did.


so basically back off assholio, i aint given you a reason to bitch at me as far as im concerned


not sure i like your tone lil girl, our world isnt so small yeah!

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Originally posted by Snow-man@Mar 27 2006, 07:49 PM






well not feeling the disrespect shown to 'YOSE'-'GETO' and 'DAB'- that spot has been crossed through with nothin but shit tags. IF your work isnt better than one already there, leave it be. IF ANYBODY KNOWS WHO WAS HOLDING THE CAN WHICH CAUSED THIS-LET THE LITTLE PRICK NO THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WANT WORDS. NUFF SAID. PS there are actually rules to this game,even though they arent followed down the bridge.(reason being practice grounds,(( until productions start coming out)) I know for a fact that if some1 went thru another writers 'illegal' work in another city, pain will be dished out no holds barred. IE if you see work on the street appreciate it, look for a better spot-and dont even consider going over it/tagging through it/crossing it out or private parts will start getting stamped on. Happy writing.

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Originally posted by mawsa1+Mar 27 2006, 09:44 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (mawsa1 - Mar 27 2006, 09:44 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Snow-man@Mar 27 2006, 07:49 PM






well not feeling the disrespect shown to 'YOSE'-'GETO' and 'DAB'- that spot has been crossed through with nothin but shit tags. IF your work isnt better than one already there, leave it be. IF ANYBODY KNOWS WHO WAS HOLDING THE CAN WHICH CAUSED THIS-LET THE LITTLE PRICK NO THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WANT WORDS. NUFF SAID. PS there are actually rules to this game,even though they arent followed down the bridge.(reason being practice grounds,(( until productions start coming out)) I know for a fact that if some1 went thru another writers 'illegal' work in another city, pain will be dished out no holds barred. IE if you see work on the street appreciate it, look for a better spot-and dont even consider going over it/tagging through it/crossing it out or private parts will start getting stamped on. Happy writing.




i so agree, cant u find out who the guy is cause that was just pure damage for no reason

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