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haha your full of chill spots,your boy relax gets hot spots you dnt..




sorry there

wats wrong with you

dont sit on here and say shit like that

and have some respect regardless how many ab bombs and tags you have around the city your still a toy

and dont act like muvo hasnt ben painting when he has your just to tick enough to see it with the smoke runinng through your face like bob marley

you and all those kids hide etc

think you can run around with cans and markers and do shit 2 letter bombs and think your mad up and go around mouthing off to better people its bent


now come back and mouth off when your good and not a toy and a cheeky cunt

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haha your full of chill spots,your boy relax gets hot spots you dnt..




sorry there

wats wrong with you

dont sit on here and say shit like that

and have some respect regardless how many ab bombs and tags you have around the city your still a toy

and dont act like muvo hasnt ben painting when he has your just to tick enough to see it with the smoke runinng through your face like bob marley

you and all those kids hide etc

think you can run around with cans and markers and do shit 2 letter bombs and think your mad up and go around mouthing off to better people its bent


now come back and mouth off when your good and not a toy and a cheeky cunt



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haha your full of chill spots,your boy relax gets hot spots you dnt..




sorry there

wats wrong with you

dont sit on here and say shit like that

and have some respect regardless how many ab bombs and tags you have around the city your still a toy

and dont act like muvo hasnt ben painting when he has your just to tick enough to see it with the smoke runinng through your face like bob marley

you and all those kids hide etc

think you can run around with cans and markers and do shit 2 letter bombs and think your mad up and go around mouthing off to better people its bent


now come back and mouth off when your good and not a toy and a cheeky cunt



go eat a dick ye cockmunchin fagit and u 2 just go fuck urself hide can post what he wants just cos u tink ur gods gift to the world doesnt mean u can tell him any different so shut the fuk up ye rat

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haha your full of chill spots,your boy relax gets hot spots you dnt..




sorry there

wats wrong with you

dont sit on here and say shit like that

and have some respect regardless how many ab bombs and tags you have around the city your still a toy

and dont act like muvo hasnt ben painting when he has your just to tick enough to see it with the smoke runinng through your face like bob marley

you and all those kids hide etc

think you can run around with cans and markers and do shit 2 letter bombs and think your mad up and go around mouthing off to better people its bent


now come back and mouth off when your good and not a toy and a cheeky cunt


could say de exact same thing to u? u seem to mouth off a lot at othe rpeoples stuff wen its clear dat u cant back up ur name watso ever? ... keep outa sumtin dats none of ur business

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Are you actually serious just at least Ab is original ya know not some cisto rippin fat bitch who thinks hes the cheese. And funny enough i never really seen any old wack stuff from you. I suppose thats because a true rip starts off good and everyone knows it! so when ya see your next ab bomb remember bro he has one thing you dont originality thats the way he does it ya know the real way. So fuck you and your big egotistical bs cause your livin a lie man fuckin quick claim ta fame bullshit. Not to worry though ya could always hang yourself and do everyone else a favour later FATS! And ever call me a rat again you fat prick after rattin out my mrs on bebo and i swear il stab ya ta death

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here you cut the bullshit

tae your throwup or bomb is dope and anybody with a bit of cop would no that

god this irish scene is so embarassing

if this was anywhere else all you keyboard warriors would have gotten a beatdown

the biggest bunch of chumps in ireland FACT

your all chumps lets see if you guys rasto and 09 do what you say you are goin to do

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oh and congrats on gettin kicked from dcw. thats right everyone else are the toys but not you your a top notch writer hahaha ya LOSER!


Gewwwaaaaannn tha fuchkkin rasto.!!!and I seealot more ab tags and bombs than yous have all together ya faggits

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Yo im done with dis shit for real. but bien 5 ya can ask anyone who knows me im a sound bloke me and muvo jus had some serious beef which was fuck all ta do with graff and hed tell ya himself im no chump bro. ya can say what ya want about anyone else but im well able ta back myself up and i accept taes point to i was just well pissed by the time i read his comment. i had know other way of contactin muvo if i did no way would i have had ta settle up a dispute on this site and wreck everyone elses buzz so thats it done

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WTF leave all the bitching out of the forum pm each other 4 dat everyone is entilted 2 there opinions anyone can upload wot dey want but if its shit its shit ur gona get abuse off sumone end of story people have 2 be honest .The hack of dem ab throwies it doesnt matter how much YOUR ARE UP when ur a toy it doesnt mean shit . Dont act like a big man behind a computer screen unless ur gona do something grow a pair of balls

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says captain contradiction there! sure your doing the exact same thing as me by even sending dat last message and what do you even write pm me? and we'l see if im full of it. sure dont ya must'nt even know who i am if your so mad why dont we meet up at ac and ya can say what ya want to my face kid! then will see wont we

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