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and see how everyone is saying round is shit,

so are gruel and krept and sto and all those kids but i never see any of you giving out to them because there your mates!!!!!!!


you are always moaning on this , what do you even rite ?

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Lads, lads, lads. Will you all stop whining, moaning, bitching and spouting shit about each others pieces. Just post the flicks and that's that. If someone paints a decent piece comment on it, if it's only a half decent piece just keep your mouth shut.

Re. style, very few of the pieces posted up have original style. This constant bullshit of someone biting someone else's style is just pure comedy. The majority of you need to be sketching heaps more and maybe think for once before posting on this forum.

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teck hush up boy....... you paint throw ups? so u shouldnt talk bout style........ do i have to get into this again... cause u no im rite? u actually cant deny it? like cumon how long does ur outline take? a min? two? do u even sketch or are u too busy filin in college........seriously fuck off ur doin mine and a lot of other peoples heads in ur a hipocritical cunt and im sick of it ... i no im shit so stop broad castin it ? ok?????????????


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i dont really like that piece but fairplay for throwin the mau5 in man hahah good idea









nice r there round...



fuck off i lost my sketch so i freestyled it i didnt bite it i didnt like it i put put it upto get some feedback in comparison to other writers ive only been properly writen s year and that was the first time i painted in ages annd i used scraps frum anoter spot i got earlier onn that day

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