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That's what I get for smoking weed for years, I forgot about doing this interview for http://www.sixcentz.com



sixcentz: what do you write?

Tyke: Tyke TFO


sixcentz: where you from? What Boro?

Tyke: Born in NY, bred in the Bronx (South)


sixcentz: What crew/crews are you down with?

Tyke: I'm down with a lot of crews, but I only push my families crews: TFT Too Fucken Tuff, HR Hard Rocs, WF World Famous


sixcentz: Would you consider yourself a bomber or a piecer?

Tyke: Back in the days I was definitely doing my thing on the bombing tip. Now, I rock pieces in low spots.


sixcentz: who got you into graff?

Tyke: My brother Peter (RIP). He got killed by a drunk driver. He was 14 and I was 11. He was doing comic book shit, off the top of his head. Mad ill. I always was trying to follow in his foot steps. When the Warriors came out in 79, he was tagging Swan, and I tried Ajax. Shit like that. We had a nice view of the 5 train, and we would sit for hours watching the trains go by.


sixcentz: whats your favorite thing to paint?

Tyke: Trains, freights, walls, streets whatever.


sixcentz: who were your influences?

Tyke: Beond 2000, Sheek, Zue, Moet, EZED, Dune, Nicer


sixcentz: what is your favorite paint? And color?

Tyke: Back in the day, Tragic Magic, the usuals Krylon (Aqua pastel), Rusto (Burgandy). Now, American Accents (Green Apple) and Rusto (Gloss Orange).


sixcentz: Favorite Boro?

Tyke: Of course the Bronx holds my heart. But, I miss hitting Brooklyn. In the 80's with RicOne. In the 90's with Louie167, Ruel, Jew, Spa and Astro. And in 2g's with Tabe and Miss17.


sixcentz: In your opinion who do you think is the most under rated person in the graff world?

Tyke: Jew BT. Eas FX.


sixcentz: How do you feel about the graffiti that people are doing currently?? Anyone you feel?

Tyke: It's tougher to bomb nowadays. So, I give props to those that are still out there getting the dope spots, and flooding the streets heavily.


sixcentz: Who do you feel is a all time king?

Tyke: Min, IZ, Blade, Cope, JA


sixcentz: Any good stories or funny stories related to painting you wanna share?

Tyke: I remember doing 2 whole cars in Esplanade layups (they had a nice wall in between the tracks, perfect for T2B's). One car had a T and a Y. The other car had the K and the E. My man Just WF helped me. DC3 and Clark ID were in the layup doing there thing that night too. It was crazy because we caught the "married couple" in the station at Morris Park. All VS or anyone had to do was look out of the window in the station and we were right there. When the car came out Monday morning, it was written on. So I figured that I would go back that night and fix it up, but I didn't find it and never caught flicks. So, of course I had to do another one.This one read T I K E. I made sure that I caught flicks of that one.


sixcentz: any shout outs?

Tyke: To my Mom (RIP), she gave me my first spray can. Whatever was left after I finished spraying the shopping cart. haha. Zine, Just, 9Volt, EJ, Staten Cats, Pepe, Mutz, Fade, Merk, Jase TMC, Vet, Shams, Smash, Sak, Bester, Louie167, all Hard Rocs. Tabe,Pose, Rush, Ric, Emz, Rak, Swatch, Circ, Noe, Nada BBKrew, Bom5, Jaga, Skem and anyone that I rocked with or forgot to mention. Big ups to Sixcents.com TYKE TFO The Fuck Out. TheFreshOnes.com Be on the lookout on EBAY and in the streets, for some hot tees coming out November 05. Featuring Bruce Lee drinking Hennessy. And other classic shit.


sixcentz: THANKS ALOT .......

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hahaha werd.EZED, Sheek... Underrated inside bombers on the 2's and 5's.


I remember one night, running out of paint. There was a 24hour bodega on Burnside by the Deegan, that had Silvers for 2bucks. hahahaha, I went there with lay-up dust all over me, and was like " give me the rest of your silvers!" at 3 in the morning. Nikkas was bugging.

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