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ok one of ya tell the story already..


you had to be there. well you were, but you also needed to be aware of whats going on around you for it to be funny. long story shorth caspa almost banged a tall skinny gay as shit black dude that was "so influenced" by a marker tag he did w a dead pilot on a silver box in front of city hall.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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wow, i guess everyone has thrown caution to the wind, and all those times we would chase people outta yards or get chased ourselves, get in arguments over a tag on a silver signal box, shouting matches about leaving a cans behind in that very yard, doing one to many pieces on a line, guess it was all a failed effort.

Guess the old adage, "don't shit where you eat" is no longer used in this city. sad. I miss the days of old.

Oh well, guess i'm just a old bitter freight head.


Another reason why I wont host anybody in my spots. guest bring guest, leaving cans behind, tagging trees,etc. Then people wonder why they dont dump trains in those spot anymore...

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