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wow, i guess everyone has thrown caution to the wind, and all those times we would chase people outta yards or get chased ourselves, get in arguments over a tag on a silver signal box, shouting matches about leaving a can behind in that very yard, doing one to many pieces on a line, guess it was all a failed effort.

Guess the old adage, "don't shit where you eat" is no longer used in this city. sad. I miss the days of old.

Oh well, guess i'm just a old bitter freight head.

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wow, i guess everyone has thrown caution to the wind, and all those times we would chase people outta yards or get chased ourselves, get in arguments over a tag on a silver signal box, shouting matches about leaving a can behind in that very yard, doing one to many pieces on a line, guess it was all a failed effort.

Guess the old adage, "don't shit where you eat" is no longer used in this city. sad. I miss the days of old.

Oh well, guess i'm just a old bitter freight head.


yea well you can't help little toys coming in and doing it so if you can't beat em... join em... besides that, they hardly lay up there and its been burnt. for years... so you maybe haven't been in the yards in awhile.. but they don't all look like that.

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yea well you can't help little toys coming in and doing it so if you can't beat em... join em... besides that, they hardly lay up there and its been burnt. for years... so you maybe haven't been in the yards in awhile.. but they don't all look like that.


eh, it just puts me off man. believe me i know not all the yards look like that, well aware. but that yard ,particularly was a issue for all of us years ago. i just remember all the ish that came with painting it.

herd mentality is a bitch i reckon.

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last few pages have been fuckin sick.... bump the fucking fuck out of all the homies gettin up, and you know who you are... but fucking caspa..... i see you homie.... keep doing the motherfucking thang and holler at your boy..

thank you viva hate for posting that dyst sketch that is straight fire

wake tseck paebak rams derk scum..


man its good to see some good fucking looking graff. keep it coming

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last few pages have been fuckin sick.... bump the fucking fuck out of all the homies gettin up, and you know who you are... but fucking caspa..... i see you homie.... keep doing the motherfucking thang and holler at your boy..

thank you viva hate for posting that dyst sketch that is straight fire

wake tseck paebak rams derk scum..


man its good to see some good fucking looking graff. keep it coming





was that a compliment????

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