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Posts posted by Sik-TwentyFo

  1. Just got the 36 color set and the new book but i dont want to ink it in and the 3d is fucked up like i usually do, can you guys tell me if and where my shit is fucked so i can fix it before the ink..


    i already fixed up the part at the bottom were the C and S connect and the opening in the a

  2. its a clean simple, i like the a and the t, i think the only thing that makes the r seem off is because since all the other letters are consistent bar-width wise, the big part of the r and the other smaller part of the r makes it look a little wierd, I hope im making sense bcus its hard for me to explain

  3. Damn Zomb i see some good improvement from the last painted thing i've seen from you, and on the pens, my dad bought some crayon looking things that he's going to take back with the 12 pen set and get a bigger set

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