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Everything posted by excite_the_feds

  1. yo 90s, you got any old flicks of anything on the B / Q lines?
  2. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/married-teacher-accused-monthlong-sex-romp-with16-year-old-student-school-female-colleagues-caught-naked-classroom-article-1.1087293
  3. flowers by MP... who has some? my florist has been slipping lately...
  4. god damn. i guess thats what happens when you weigh 100 pounds and try to throw down with somebody
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHy4zSNjDvg
  6. i meant a place where i dont have to pay weed prices
  7. who knows a ciggy spot for Marlboro reds / lights
  8. its 12oz.. i use firefox and it always happens to me now i think its because the site fucks up and thinks youre logged out because of the new blog type shit they have also fib has marker hits on fillmore / quentin with dast, il try to get flicks when i go out again
  9. i have a few zek flicks, but im too stonewd right now to remember where i put my old memory stick
  10. im "jacking him off" because i think youre a bitch? you just cant accept the fact that youre a toy ass nigga that has been writing for about a year. and you dont know me, because ide say all this shit to your face you little twat, but the last time someone tried to meet up with you there was a gaggle of officers waiting with flashlights, so go figure
  11. i cant believe youre such a stupid ass dumb motherfucker that you think im mr manhattan also how can someone be an e-herb? youre a dumb bitch, and you should stick to arresting drunks at 3 am, this shit isnt for you homo
  12. does my name look like mr manhattan to you? i dont even talk to that dude, i just think youre a doofy ass nigga thats affiliated to the nypd, and you should get off this website
  13. im saying youre a faggot and youre bad at graffiti is that clear enough
  14. excite_the_feds


    i wouldnt wipe my ass with your throwies, picachu. it would be insulting to my ass
  15. anyone ever hear of indomethacin? i smoked a joint earlier and just took one of these, got a nigga higher then the sky
  16. told you, had a gut feeling about that herbivore
  17. oh, well its none of my business, just wanted to ask because that fag is always talkin about something
  18. i always kind of thought pikachu was a cop, isnt the homo from dc? why is he even in this thread
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